Solved Highest Kill Streak

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by WingedMLGPro, Mar 27, 2015.

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    Hey Everyone!
    So i have made a stats plugin that records deaths, kills and Killstreak
    but i want to make a Highest Kill Streak,
    so here is my attempt of doing it:
    if (TheMain.StatsSettings.SwiftyStats.getInt(k.getName() + ".hks") < TheMain.StatsSettings.SwiftyStats.getInt(k.getName() + ".killsteak")){
    TheMain.StatsSettings.SwiftyStats.set(k.getName()+".hks", TheMain.StatsSettings.SwiftyStats.getInt(k.getName()+".killstreak"));TheMain.StatsSettings.saveConfig();}

    but that doesnt work!

    plz help <3

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    @WingedMLGPro What doesn't work about it? Any why so many statics?
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    @nverdier it wont set the highest kill streak to it
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    @WingedMLGPro Well you're seeming to get from the config when you should be setting...
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    @WingedMLGPro You are getting from the config when it seems you should be setting to the config.
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    @nverdier it is an if statement, what im doing is if Highest Kill Streak(HKS) is less than KillStreak.
    Then Set the HKC to KillStreak
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    Sorry everyone, it turned out i just did a silly typo! xD
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