It worked before with this plugin: Until R6 that is. can someone please fix it for 1.2?
So, if a player does /pl or /plugins, it will say "unknown command" or something of the kind, or will it remove plugins from the list? If it's the first option, I could do this.
You might want to also include /version since that's what the original plugin had. You could use the source already included, it seems like all it really needs is just the EventHandlers updated. Also, don't make it return unknown command, just return nothing. I guess it's optional to the person asking, but that's how Vanilla worked.
Just add these permission nodes to whatever group you don't want seeing the plugins/version. Instead of adding them to every group, you could just do an inheritance. Code: permissions: - -bukkit.command.plugins - -bukkit.command.version
Fishfish0001 ?????? Rardical I've tried that, and it doesn't seem to work. Which is why I prefer having this plugin, whenever you type /pl, /plugin, or /version it displays nothing at all.
I'm almost finished, just fixing the config. DONE! Here's the link: Should I post this on bukkitdev? EDIT: Aiiii, the config still doesn't work EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
A few plugins like the one you're talking about: PluginSpy: SLAMP: NoPl: Vanilla: NoPl has worked the best for me, but you can go with whichever one works best for you.
joshwenke Thank you. && Also you listed Vanilla, which is the one I used, but was destroyed by 1.2.3 billofbong Thank you too. JOPHESTUS Yes, I have, but sadly I wasn't able to find it. I searched for many plugins like "disable /pl, hide plugin, hide version, plugin, /pl /plugin /version all on dev bukkit.
ImadDami Here is a good one