Solved Help with variables in config

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ItsComits, Nov 12, 2017.

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    Hello, Here is an example config:

    Message-1: 'Hello {0}, and this is message 1'
    Message-1: 'Hello {0}, and {1}'

    I am trying to add arguments which will be numbered. What would be the best way of going about this?
  2. Offline


    For each string, use the "String#replaceAll" method to replace those tags.
  3. Offline


    What would be the best way to partner up the variables to the config path?
  4. Offline


    What are the variables supposed to be? Are they predefined variables per each message, or are the global variables (Like PlaceholderAPI's %player-count%)
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    They will be predefined. I am trying to achieve something like essentials message.yml.
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