Hi, recently, one of my admins raged and used TNT to blow up another admins house and another of my admin's accounts got hacked... When one admin raged and used TNT, the server crashes every time he logs in because he logs in near where the TNT was exploding.... Then the people that hacked into my admin's account, they also did the same thing.... So now i have a really unstable server and 3 of my admins temporarily banned.. I remember seeing a plugin that limits how much data is sent to the client maybe? or something like that.... I really need help with placing tnt and being able to craft it... Im a beginner plugin dev, but I havent been able to create a plugin that stops users from placing tnt..... Is there a plugin that already does this? Id like it to disable tnt FOR EVERYONE... and is there a way to disable using tnt in World Edit?.... Plz help me....
If you use WorldGuard, change: block-tnt: true in the WorldGuard config. If you don't use WorldGuard I would suggest you get it.
Would i beable to disable block damage and player damage... and using world edit to create some tnt? THX