Help with sending players between servers.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TriiZ_MC, Nov 5, 2014.

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    I am trying to use a sign click to teleport the clicker to a different server, but it doesn't work, it's sending the messages I put in the same place, but not sending the player. It gives an error in the console which I will show below as well as the code. I have got this method of sending people to servers working on other plugins which are being used on other servers. I'm using BungeeCord.

    Here are some screenshots of the parts of code being used, and the console error:





    Please help, I really need this to finish my cross server survival games minigame.
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    TriiZ_MC Wrong forum. This is a forum for Bukkit and not BungeeCord. You'll get better help over at their forums.
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    that being said seeing as bukkit admins decided to be a bunch of kids you will see questions like this appearing more often here.

    whether this is the right place to post or not a constructive answer would help more
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    RebzO1 My answer was constructive. I said you'll get better help over at BungeeCord's forums since this is a forum for just plain Bukkit.
    mine-care likes this.
  6. RebzO1
    First of all: Curse staff, not Bukkit admins. And why do you think they're "a bunch of kids" for deciding to offer help with Bukkit alternatives?
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    Well, the answere is always in the Stacktrace. apparently returns null or an Illegal Plugin. Please put the code into pastebin or something like that. These Screenshots give me cancer :confused:
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    I figured it out, just needed to put these methods into the main class and replace "" with "this".
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