{HELP} Player Teleport

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by The Fancy Whale, Oct 8, 2013.

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    The Fancy Whale

    I am getting the error: This method teleport(location) in the type Entity is not applicable for the arguments (string)
    Here is my code:
    1. player.teleport(getConfig().getString(args[2] + "SpawnLobby"));

    Thanks in advance!
    BTW the args 2 is because they are typing in the command /mc join (arena name)
    and the arena name spawnlobby's are in the config
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    You can't teleport an entity to a string. You can teleport an entity to either a Location or Entity.
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    The Fancy Whale

    stealth2800 So how do i teleport them to someplace predetermined?
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    The F
    You have to create a location. Locations require a world, a x, a y, and a z coordinate.
    If you just want to teleport them to a world's spawn then you can use this.
    1. Player player = (Player) sender;
    2. World w = p.getworld//gets the world the current player is in
    3. //World w = Bukkit.getServer().getWorld("spawn");//replace "spawn" with the name of the world you want to get
    5. p.teleport(w.getSpawnLocation());

    Otherwise use something like this
    1. Player player = (Player) sender;
    2. Location l = new Location(player.getWorld(), x, y, z);
    3. player.teleport(l);
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    The Fancy Whale

    But i have custom arena names in my arena file. How do i teleport to certain locations in the arena file?
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    You have to save the world name, x, y and z coordinates in the arena file, then load them up and create the location
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    The Fancy Whale

    How do i "Load them up and create the location"

    Location LobbySpawn = (Location) this.getConfig().getString(args[2] + "Spawn1");
    Locations cannot be set to strings how do I do this?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
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    The Fancy Whale
    Heard of constructors before? This is why you leans java BEFORE using the Bukkit API
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    You could do something like
    World world = Bukkit.getWorld(getConfig().getString("spawn.world"));
    int x = getConfig().getInt("spawn.x");
    int y = getConfig().getInt("spawn.y");
    int z = getConfig().getInt("spawn.z");
    Location location = new Location(world, x, y, z);
    Implying that the config looks something like
      world: world_nether
      x: 500
      y: 60
      z: -300
    Constructors are just basic Java. If you don't know what they are, you should be working on learning Java a little bit more instead before you move on to making things with it.
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    The Fancy Whale

    stealth2800 I know how to do that but it is not letting me use an argument in place of the word spawn in that case
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    It will just make sure you include the dot where necessary.
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    You are missing the YAML period before "SpawnLobby"
    1. args[2].toString() + ".SpawnLobby"
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