Solved Help, Multiple Instances of One BukkitTask?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SuperOriginal, Mar 1, 2014.

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    So i'm making a custom mute plugin, and my tempmute function is a bit jacked up. So I can only have one person muted at a time or else the timers interfere and everything gets messed up. Here's a part of my code:
    1. if(!muted.contains(target.getName())){
    2. muted.add(p.getName());
    3. int num = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
    4. p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "You have muted " + target.getName() + " for " + num + " Seconds.");
    5. target.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "You have been Softmuted for " + num + " Seconds.");
    6. Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(this, new BukkitRunnable(){
    7. public void run(){
    8. if(muted.contains(target.getName())){
    9. muted.remove(target.getName());
    10. target.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + " You are no longer Softmuted.");
    11. }
    15. }
    16. }, num*20);
    18. return true;

    How could I set it up so everyone has an individual timer counting down their on mute times?
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    just when an op/admin etc types that command in, do:
    3. //under the command checks
    4. new Mute(target, num);
    6. //then make a new class, so when this fires, it makes a new instance
    8. public Mute(Player target, int num) {
    9. //put your runnable here
    10. }

    This should work, i use similar things in my listener class
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    Could you put that into context with my example? Sorry, i'm new to this realm of coding.
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  5. 1: Make a global timer that runs every x seconds. (recommend every 60 seconds)
    2: Use a hashmap to store <String, Date>
    3: In the global timer, check if the player's name is in the hashmap.
    4: If it is, then check if the current date is equal to the date in the hashmap.
    5: When you do a mute command, add the mute time to the current date, and store it to the hashmap.
    6: If the date is equal to the current date, then remove his name from the hashmap.
    7: Monitor chat events, and cancel it if their name is in the hashmap.
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    Im_Zeus I used your concept of Hashmaps and Dates and now I have it working! Thanks a bunch!
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