[Help] Mob Velocity

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by super292, Oct 22, 2013.

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    Every time I try to hit the mob with a stick, it takes to hits to make the mob shoot in the air. All the other things are functioning correctly but the mob being shot in the air. Here's the code.
    1. public class InspireMobBoom extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
    3. @Override
    4. public void onEnable() {
    5. Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
    6. }
    8. @EventHandler
    9. public void onEntityDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) {
    10. if(event.getDamager() instanceof Player && event.getEntity() instanceof Creature) {
    11. Player player = (Player) event.getDamager();
    12. final Entity e = event.getEntity();
    13. if(player.getItemInHand().getType().equals(Material.STICK)) {
    14. player.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "[" + ChatColor.AQUA + "Mob Blaster" + ChatColor.DARK_RED + "] " + ChatColor.DARK_RED + "Boom!");
    15. event.getEntity().setVelocity(new Vector(0, 1.35, 0));
    16. Firework fw = player.getWorld().spawn(player.getLocation(), Firework.class);
    17. FireworkMeta fwm = fw.getFireworkMeta();
    18. FireworkEffect effect = FireworkEffect.builder().withColor(Color.GREEN).with(Type.BALL).build();
    19. fwm.addEffects(effect);
    20. fwm.setPower(0);
    21. fw.setFireworkMeta(fwm);
    22. Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this, new Runnable() {
    23. public void run() {
    24. Location l = e.getLocation();
    25. l.getWorld().createExplosion(l, 1.0f);
    26. e.remove();;
    27. l.getWorld().playEffect(l,Effect.MOBSPAWNER_FLAMES,31);
    28. }
    29. }, 35);
    30. }
    31. }
    32. }
    33. }

    Can someone tell me why the mob takes two hits to shoot into the air and how to fix it? Thanks!
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