[HELP] Disable Player Drops!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by timvvo, Jan 30, 2013.

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    Hey, does anyone know a plugin which disables player drops within a area or world? If so please leave a comment below :)

    I need a plugin which disables player drops because i am running a server which allows players to use /kit pvp for pvp items, but if they were to get killed in the arena, no player drops will be drops. This plugin will really help me because since the kit's are free and everybody has access to it, it would be really annoying if you saw hundreds of drops around the arena because so many people have been killed in there.

    Anything that offers features similar to what i am looking for would be great, either if it's entering a area and it replaces your inventory with items, but when you leave the area you will get your normal inventory again and the items given will be taken back. But also will you are killed, you will drop no items upon death.

    If anyone knows a plugin like this, please comment below! Thanks Guys!
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