Health Updater

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by _TitanFox_, Apr 29, 2018.

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    Plugin category: Misc

    Minecraft version: 1.12.2

    Suggested name: HealthUpdater

    What I want:
    Basically I'd like a plugin that will update a players health when he/she equips or unequips items such as armour. Essentially I need the plugin to perform for example a damage event when the player equips or unequips armour.

    I run a few plugins (Mythic Mobs being one) that allows players to have a customised health based on what armour or item they have, the problem is say a piece of armour grants them +10,000 health, it doesn't update that immediately to take effect until the player takes damage or is healed or anything like that. I'd like a plugin that will automatically update it for the player.

    Ideas for commands: Not entirely should if any are needed, perhals /healthupdater reload.

    Ideas for permissions: Again not sure if any are needed, perhaps healthupdater.admin so they can use the reload command

    When I'd like it by: Whenever somebody can complete it by, no rush!

    Thanks in advance to anybody who wishes to take on this request, it's really appreciated!
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    this is an interesting task. I mean i'd first contatct the people who created the first plugin and ask them if they'd be able to add it. but of course i'd be able to do this :D
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    Thanks MightyOne!... It's awkward because I use a combination of both Mythic Mobs items and Mythic Drops for various means, sooo, in short I totally could ask both dev teams to add this ability (I very much doubt they would however given my very specific request) however I feel it's a tad unreasonable for me to request this from two separate teams to implement :p

    I'm not opposed to asking however, I could ask for it to be implemented, however if you're interested in making the plugin I'd very much appreciate it :)

    So far I know a damage and heal event will update the health of the player. I'm not sure if you'd be able to have it "damage" the player whenever the armour is changed, be that from manually being put on by the player, right clicked in the players hand, via a dispenser, when the armour breaks so on and so forth, however for this damage to not actually hurt them if that makes sense? Like I don't want a player taking a bunch of hearts of damage from the event lol, it's purely there just to update the health of the player.
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    @_TitanFox_ I just think that it would be less ram eating and everything if the actual creators would have implememted this properly.

    anyway you interestingly already figured out that there are many different ways to to take on/off a piece of armor. But i dont think that this will be a problem.

    #EDIT does the armor have special display names or anything? This way i could reduce the damaging on only these pieces on armor.
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    Yeah I've started to learn how to make plugins. By started I'm a very long way off lol but I'm slowly learning :) I thought at least a basic amount of knowledge is more helpful than having absolutely none :p

    Yes actually! (So just to update I won't be using Mythic Drops, I'll be using Lore Attributes Recoded, better for my needs) and that plugin adds lore to armour sets. So I suppose the damage would only be necessary on any armour set that has lore with in? I hope this helps!

    EDIT: So before you start coding anything I'm going to perform some tests to see if LAR handles updating health by itself, failing that I'll attempt to make contact with the author. I'll keep you updated if you wish :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2018
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