Have an original server idea? Share it with me and we'll make it happen.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by zecheesy, Nov 16, 2012.

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    I have many ideas lol, if anyone is interested in any of these just shoot me a message or something. As for programming i'm beginning my course in Java next semester ^.^, super excited to say the least.​
    World of Herobrine​
    Make a server mod where Herobrine is the only mob with normal movement speed but your never out of aggro range, has the ability to open gates / doors / climb walls and seeks out anyone on the server. Cities will be built and vacated at the sight of him.
    edit: friends think that making the death penalty a 12 hour ban or something from the server would be intense and give more motive to run.

    Who Made that button anyway?​
    Make a server mod where theres a mob activated button that literally causes all character data to be wiped. Mobs AI are rewrote so that their goal is to invade the imperial city and hit the button. Entire point of the server is to defend the city and build up defenses. Mobs will attack at a certain times per day and the rest of the time is to rebuild / setup new defences. Longer the players hold out the higher the hp / attack damage / movement speed of mobs increase. Players who participate in the longest holdout are in the leaderboards and get special abilities.​
    Ship of Wonder [Mario 64 rip]​
    Using an airship or even ditching that idea make a castle like mario 64, using multiverse to make portals to other worlds that have (stars,keys,whatever you want), simplistic plugins per map such as find the key in 20 minutes or it dissapears, activated by a button at start. Using spout for each individual level customization featuring music and whatnot. Can use the code from Garbagemule to have boss abilities to spice things up a bit. Have a leader-board for keys/stars and the stats show if you cleared each area 100% or not.​
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    A hacking-only PVP server. :)

    If everyone hacks, suddenly it's completely fair. Everyone is fighting someone who has the ability to use the same hacks as them. It becomes a contest to see who has the best hacks.
    Hoolean, tyzoid, Sushi and 1 other person like this.
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    What if everyone is using the same hacks? It would be boring. Your idea is awesome but just needs some polishing. I'm thinking 3-5 opposing forces competing on each other. The land and resources will be limited, a plugin which hooks into faction so when one of the opposing force claims a land of the enemy force, the land will be re generated. Whoever holds the most land and maintains it will be the best. Just trying to expand on your idea. :p
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    should fly / speed / creative mode be allowed?
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    tyzoid likes this.
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