Just wondering if anyone would be able to do this, would be used on a harry potter server im starting as an addition to the rest of my servers from www.iKingsSGC.com Inclusive Harry Potter Mod. Now I will not be vauge in what I want so here goes: Floo Powder Network: It'll be a simple teleport mod that works next to a fire place. Or next to fire would be a better bet. We could set up just a teleport system next to fireplace make it easier on the modder . Spells: I will put sub categories of spells in here. Wingardium Leviosa: levitates unplaced block. Idk how difficult this mod would be for modders but it would be very cool to see. Stupefy: Stun Target for 5 secs Impedimenta: Charm Slows an advancing object Point Me: Shows where north is. Impervius: Repels water from a placed block. Maybe like a sponge. Flipendo: Moves mobs and people 5 blocks backs. Accio (object): brings said inventory from your chest. wont put anything in your inventory if you dont have it in your chest. Alohomora : Opens locked items. This spell would have to be monitered. very closely. Orchideous: Spell Conjures a bunch of flowers Tarantallegra: Spell Forces opponent to dance (aka jumping and sneaking) Lumos: Turns your wand into a light source that you carry. Nox: Turns Lumos Off Episkey: Heals 3 hearts Incendio: Lights a block or mob on fire. Levicorpus: Throws someone up in the air. Maybe around 4-8 blocks high If i forgot any important, do-able,or helpful spells please tell me. Quidditch: Probably one of the hardest part to program. I dont want movecraft style of moving more like plane mod kind of move. We would have to create spheres for the quaffle, bludger, and snitch. Three rings for the goals. Maybe make it so i can define size. Broomstick recipe Broom Texture done! Please any feedback would be appreciated Criticism or otherwise. Especially if your interested in coding this mod.
I love the idea and I've thought about it myself, but that is an immense amount of coding and a lot of it is difficult and buggy. I want to try this but I don't have the time nor the patience (and mayabe not the experience) to do it right now. Sorry.
For Anyone who decides to do this plugin, you should make sticks wands and they could cast spells depending on what letter they press. (Just an idea, you don't have to do this) and please put in these spells. Avada Kedavra: Kills a Player/Mob Expelliarmus: Disarms a players Wand/Weapon Locomortor Mortis: Stops a player from moving for as long as the caster intends (can't be no longer then 1 min) Protego: Causes spells to deflect back to the caster Reducto: Causes objects to explode And Please put in permission nodes for each spell! Mainly because people will go around casting Avada Kedavra and kill everyone so the permissions can stop people from casting certain spells!
I think could be a fun plugin to try, but would anyone be upset if I just did the spells to begin with? Those will be hard enough, not to mention the ridiculousness that will be Quidditch.
Ya, Quidditch would almost be impossible to program, I also came up with the idea that when you cast a spell that the chat will automaticly write in the spell you casted. E.g, ronoc36: Avada Kedavra!
Actually, every spell in there is actually featured in different plugins. You only need a volunteer (not me) to get the source codes from them, create his own plugin and set the CommandHelper aliases. Quidditch, on the other hand, seems really hard, but if you could manage to make drops fly, there is a hockey plugin that has an available source code, it can be used I guess. I think I might take a look at this tomorrow. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
@funstein If you want to do this, I'd appreciate it--I'm trying to get a more complicated plugin coded at the moment, so I'm trying to keep myself from finding excuses to not do it.
I could try and make a few of the spells and then post a source code if you would like. (Don't know how to make all of them and would take way to long anyways)
@kyle921 I'm busy ATM, so if you are willing to do it, go ahead, because I'm really new to Java / Bukkit and It could take around a week for me to do this.
That would be cool of either of you two to do. Ive had some time to think about it all and decided on something like you can only cast spells you have in a spell book. Like say, you have a spell boom with the spell "Lumos" in it it will either generate a torch or lightstone block. But if thats the only spell in the book then thats all you can cast.
@theiking I am not able to work on this ATM, I am really busy. But I think there is a plugin that gives luminosity to the player so they act like a torch. Check that out.
I'm giving it a try... not quidditch tho... lol but the spells with the stick acting as a wand... lot of coding to do and i don't have a lot of time... so it might take a couple days - weeks.
Well what a coincidence--I actually just started coding on this less than five minutes ago. I suppose I should've checked the forums again before doing so.
Aweseome, I've been dieing for someone to take up this idea. Currently my dev team is working with the creator of the apothecarium mod to port it over to bukkit for my servers only. It's going to be taking all of their time to do it so thTs why they can't do this plugin Well if you ever need something to do the creator of the apothecarium mod is working with me on a bukkit port of the mod, my team is super busy with university at the moment as it's the first couple of weeks but we are always looking for more coders in the team EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
if not this does sound very interesting and i might pick it up. there are a few i'm not sure how to go about at all so i'll start with the others and see if others could chime in later.