Halo Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by gabe4356, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Hello, I was wandering if anyone could create a simple halo plugin that adds teams, kits, a lobby set point, and a couple more features


    - Players Select a team by typing /halo team join and it opens a GUI and they either select a blue wool which sends them to the blue team, or red.

    - Keeps track of kills and if a player has a certain amount of kills, they can upgrade their weapon (Choice of default weapon, and upgrades in config)

    - Customizable kits that can be changed in config as well

    - Custom Lobby point

    - Set arena points and a admin can world guard them

    - Set spawn points in arena, as well as max and min. players allowed in the game

    - Multiple arena support

    /halo help -displays help page
    /halo setspawnpoint - sets spawn point for certain arena
    /halo select <arena name> - Selects an arena for editing
    /halo create <arena name> - Creates an arena
    /halo set [max:min] players <amount> - Sets the minimum or maximum amount of players aloud in one game
    /halo config reload - Reloads the configuration file
    /halo set lobby - Sets the lobby for selected arena
    /halo set arenapoint1 - sets arena point one at the block you are looking at
    /halo set arenapoint2 - sets arena point two at the block you are looking at (or standing on, which ever is easier to code)
    /halo team join - Opens joining GUI
    /halo arena vote <arena> - Vote's for arena (Signs that allow you to vote for specified arena)
    /halo join <arena> (Join Signs)
    And anything else you think that should be added

    When I'd like it by: Maybe 3 months. I, myself am I plugin developer, but I'm not great with stuff like this, and I couldn't find an up to date plugin like this that is awesome.

    If you think I sound un-clear on any part of this plugin request, just let me know and I will change it.

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