Guest area?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by minikyuubi, Aug 7, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Is there a plugin that makes it so that guests can only build in a specific area that i can define? if so what is it?
  2. Offline


    I was wondering the same thing. (Bump)
  3. Offline


    Really..? no answers yet :(?
  4. Offline


    WorldGuard + some permissions plugin
  5. Offline


    What are the commands with worldguard?
    I have tried /region flag Guest build allow
    and it did nothen... exept let the players with building rights build on it.
    Is there a way to Override the Permissions "Build" Permission? Only for that area
  6. Offline


    In you permissions config guests need to have build set to true!
    Repeat the following steps for every world you have (if you are running multiple worlds):
    • Set the flag for the region __global__ to deny
      /region flag __global__ build deny
    • (SKIP this if you want others - non guests - only be able to build after you set up a region for them)
      Add all groups you wan't to be able to build everywhere as member to the __global__ region (so basically all groups EXCEPT the guests group)
      /region addmember __global__ g:Group1 g:Group2 ...
    • Create your Guest-Build region and add all groups as members (including the guest group)
      /region define GuestsCanBuildHere g:GuestGroup g:Group1 g:Group2 ...

    Maybe its also possible a bit simpler, thats just what came to my mind first. Basically what it does: You disable building for everyone globally, then you allow only several groups to build globally without the guests, then you create a additional region somewhere where also guests will be added as member and thus be able to build.
    That way you can also setup your server like no one will be able to build anywhere without you setting up a region for them, so you got full control over where people can build (maybe a bit of a hassle so not really recommended - I got this in my Main world, but also have a seperate "free-build-world" where people can build anywhere)
  7. Offline


    Im guessing this is with the plugin worldguard..? and do i have to have the __ or are those spaces in the game?
  8. Offline


    Yes that commands are for worldguard
    And yes you have to put those 2 underscores before and after the region global (but only global, not for other regions)
  9. Offline


    when i do /region flag __global__ build deny it says Region flag 'build' set and i can still build am i suppose to pick the corners of the map and set a region like that? or..what..i dont get how to do it
    EDIT:eek:kay well i got it so that no one but ops can build i dont get how i add others to build in it to..
  10. Offline


    If you are op (or admin, I guess theres also a permissions node for that) you will indeed be able to build, everyone else shouldn't be able to do that. You'd need to test it with other players or temporarly deop (and / or "de-admin") yourself to test it.
  11. Offline


    yeah i did that but how do i set groups? i tried the command you put up and i checked the file with the region and it says the groups citizen admin and mod are there and i reloaded all plugins and it still doesnt let anyone build
  12. Offline


    By groups I meant the groups you set in your permissions config. Also theres no need to reload all plugins, just enter the command once and it should be working.

    So for what I typed "Group1" and "Group2" and so on... just replace that with the groups you have defined in your permissions configuration.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  13. Offline


    i did and it still wont work.
  14. Offline


    Could you expain this again. I am Super confused, Also do the guest players have to have the "Build Permission"
  15. Offline


    Please be more specific, what exactly won't work?

    I think I pretty much explained everything in detail... what exactly are you having problems with (don't really want to type everything again as it will be pretty much just a copy of what I allready wrote)?
    And what do you mean by the build permission? If you mean the build node in the permissions configuration, then yes like I wrote in my 2nd post here
  16. Offline


    Then wont they be able to build Outside of the guest area?
  17. Offline


    Yes, if you set the build flag of the region __global__ to deny nobody can build in the whole world, unless you define a region for them where they can build OR unless you add them as member to the region __global__
  18. Offline


    Sorry for your trouble i finally understood what you said before.
  19. Offline


    Its no problem, I allways try to help if I can, its just like I said above that if I did explain it again I would end up with pretty much the same text as before, thus I asked what exactly the problem is / was (I assume you got it working now?) ;)
  20. Offline


    Well i did when i was just testing it. But when i tried doing the Legit thing it failed :(
  21. Offline


    What failed? Others are still able to build? No one is able to build? Guests are able to build? Guests are not able to build? ...
  22. Offline


    not sure if anyone suggested yet but:
    /region define noobarea g:guest (g: sets a group owner vs. a player)
    /region addowner noobarea __global__ (add ranks that are allowed to build here)
    /region setparent noobarea __global__ (__global__ is a global "default settings" region, this lets them build within a region they can't normally edit.)
    *Note: Owners of a region can build within child regions of the parent region as well, so don't use child regions to a global region  unless necessary.
    *Another Note: Over-lapping regions can only be edited by those who have permissions in both regions.
    I'm sure this is what you want right? (obviously you can name the guest area whatever you like)
  23. Offline


    Thats what I am suggesting... though the setparent is not needed for the __global__ region as any region will be child of __global__ by default.
    Also I wouldn't add them as owner but as member so they cant delete or modify the region, and can not "invite" or "block" other members.

    But basically thats just what I am (trying) explaining here (jsut in more detail, for example that guests need to have the build permission, otherwise this won't work, etc..)...
  24. Offline


    no body could build
  25. Offline


    Ok what have you done till that point?

    /region flag __global__ deny
    Done this? (I assume yes since nobody can build)

    /region addmember g:[player-group name]
    Done this? And are you sure you entered the correct group, in which all your players are in? (Maybe need to add more than 1 group may be possible)
    Maybe check with /region info __global__ if there are all groups you want to be able to build listed as "member"

    After that you'd need to create a region for your guests and execute the following command:
    /region addmember [guest-region name] g:[guest-group name]

    Now it should really be working. If its still not woring, maybe post you permissions configuration so I can give you the exact commands you'd need to enter. Also a screen print of the /region info __global__ and /region info [guest-region name] could help me to help you ;) Also which permission plugin you are using (the new bukkit-included "superperms" or just Permissions 2.x or 3.x or even some other Plugin)? And are permissions working at all, or do you have problems with this too?
  26. Offline


    Not even this worked for me. The Regular Rank could build outside but not inside. But the guest couldnt do ether.

    I added groups to the __global__ i did /region addmember __global__ g:Beginner

    Permissions 3.1.6
    Show Spoiler

            default: true
                prefix: '&7Noob&f][&7'
                suffix: '&f'
                build: true
            - essentials.list
            - essentials.spawn
            - essentials.rules
            default: false
                prefix: '&eBeginner&f][&e'
                suffix: '&f'
                build: true
            - Default
            - essentials.sethome
            - essentials.home
            - essentials.tpaccept
            - PressurePort.Use
            - lwc.protect
            - nocheat.speedhack
            - nocheat.moving
            - nocheat.flying
            - nocheat.fakesneak
            - nocheat.fastswim
            - nocheat.airbuild
            - nocheat.bogusitems
            - chaircraft.sit
            - essentials.msg
            - essentials.mail
            - essentials.mail.send
            - essentials.suicide
            - essentials.motd
            - essentials.back
            - essentials.back.ondeath
            - essentials.helpop
            - essentials.afk
            - falsebook.blocks.*
            - essentials.kit
            - creativegates.use
            - falsebook.blocks.hiddenswitch
            - choptree.chop
            default: false
                prefix: '&3Follower&f][&3'
                suffix: '&f'
                build: true
            - Beginner
            - essentials.tpa
            - essentials.warp
            - essentials.warp.list
            - essentials.signs.use.disposal
            default: false
                prefix: '&2Builder&f][&2'
                suffix: '&f'
                build: true
            - Follower
            - essentials.clearinventory
            - essentials.item
            - essentials.tpahere
            - textplayer.text
            - textplayer.textadmin
            - falsebook.blocks.hiddenswitch.create
            - falsebook.ic.detection
            default: false
                prefix: '&6Architect&f][&6'
                suffix: '&f'
                build: true
            - Builder
            - essentials.jump
            - essentials.unlimited
            default: false
                prefix: '&9Police&f][&9'
                suffix: '&f'
                build: true
            - Architect
            - essentials.god
            - essentials.ban
            - essentials.banip
            - essentials.whois
            - jail.command.jail
            - vanish.vanish
            default: false
                prefix: '&9F&f&4B&f&9I&f][&c'
                suffix: '&f'
                build: true
            - Police
            - IPNotify.*
            - worldedit.*
            - essentials.tphere
            - essentials.broadcast
            - essentials.nick
            - essentials.time
            - essentials.clearinventory.others
            - worldguard.region.define.*
            - falsebook.anyic
            - OpenInv.*
            - vanish.poof
            default: false
                prefix: '&1Titan&f][&9'
                suffix: '&f'
                build: true
            - FBI
            - jail.command.*
            - worldguard.*
            - essentials.*
            - prefixer.*
            - IPNotify.*
            - vanish.vanish
            - AdminChat.everything
            - simplesignedit.*
            - SpamControl.*
            - slap.slap
            - creativegates.*
            - lwc.*
            - vanish.list
            - vanish.nopickup
            - vanish.nopickup.list
            - vanish.noaggromobs
            - nocheat.*
            - OpenInv.*
            - runecraft.*
            default: false
                prefix: '&4God&f][&4'
                suffix: '&f'
                build: true
            - '*'

    Global Info
    Show Spoiler

    GuestArea Info
    Show Spoiler

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  27. Offline


    Then please make a screen print of the /region info for you regions so I can take a look at that, or maybe easier,
    post the contents of the regions.yml files (from the folder ..\plugins\WorldGuard\worlds\[world name]\)

    Just saw you edited the post so I added a new post...

    I think the group names are Case Sensitive, so make sure you enter: /region addmember __global__ g:Beginner
    and not: /region addmember __global__ g:beginner

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  28. Offline


    Oh i edited it alot becuase of the pictures. i couldnt get them on here. i just put a link
  29. Offline


    No problem I saw the pictures, but as I mentioned in my post above I think the group names are Case Sensitive, so make sure the enter the group names exactly like you have them in your Permissions config (so type "Beginner" not "beginner")
  30. Offline


    That is what i did, But it lowercased it.
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