Group require to enter

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by wolf402, Jan 29, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Mechanics

    Suggested name: Group enter

    What I want: I need a plugin where people with a certain permission/group to enter an area. This is pretty much required for my server. As a temp solution, I have set up npcs but its not working out.

    Ideas for commands: /genter help
    /genter addregion <region>
    /genter addgroup <region> <group>
    /genter removegroup <region> <group>

    Ideas for permissions: genter.region.enter.<region>

    When I'd like it by: ASAP, hopefully this weekend (2015-01-31 to 2015-02-1)
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    @wolf402 You can already do this with WorldGuard. Here's how:
    1. Create a region (/rg create testRg)
    2. Flag it with entry deny (/rg flag testRg entry deny)
    3. Add a group as a member (/rg addmember testRg g:exampleGroup)
    4. Note that the group isn't an actual group from your permissions plugin. It's a 'permissions group', so you have to add the permission 'group.exampleGroup)
    5. Now only players with permission 'group.exampleGroup' can enter the region.
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