Name: Group Chat What does it do?: You can create your own private group chat and people can join. They also can join multiple group chats. Commands/Permissions: /groupchat - List GroupChat commands.[] /group join <groupname> - Join a group.[groupchat.join] /group leave <groupname> - Leave a group.[groupchat.leave] /group create <groupname> - Create a group.[groupchat.create] /group list - List all the groups you joined.[groupchat.list] /group switch <groupname> - Switch to another group.[groupchat.switch] /group delete <groupname> - Delete a group.[groupchat.delete] What chat will looks like: Well if can, let me do at the configs. When do I want the plugin?: Well as fast as I can.
Got Mcmmo plugin?Its has /party command. Or Try here
@BlueCrafter12 Well I'm using a plugin call FeatherBoard and if I do have mcMMO it will mess up the scoreboard and if I disable mcMMO scoreboard it looks like there no mcMMO at my server. The other reason is /party make that I can't /p h(PlotMe) at my prison server. The plugin you gave isn't working.
@IamNoob For the /p issue you can just use an Alias Plugin, like: CommandOverride (Link is in my Signature) DynamicAliases (Link is in @timtower 's Signature) Just make /p be the alias for /plotme
@mrCookieSlime Ummm I have try that before but doesn't work.
@IamNoob I can confirm its working with CommandOverride. Don't know about any others as its the only one I use. Never used a different one ^^