
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by stantheman68, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin Category: Anti-Griefing Tools

    Purpose for this Plugin:

    The purpose to this plugin is when you place down a web then it will protect a 30x30 area radius.
    And when another player trys to build on there plot it will send them a message saying "Nice try griefer but you cant build here!" But if they have the permission sanctumprotect.webs.canbuild then it will allow them to be able to build on other players plots/creations.
    But you only have access to 2 webs. Unless you have the permissions sanctumprotect.webs.4
    then you can have access to 4 webs. But if you have the permissions sanctumprotect.webs.* then you have unlimited webs. I also want it where if someone places a web down it cannot over lap another persons web. Also if the player wants to remove it they can do /removeweb {webname}.
    Also if they do /lsitwebs then it will list all of there webs.

    Ideas for Permissions: sanctumprotect.webs.2

    /listwebs | lists all the webs that the player has placed down.
    /removeweb <web> | Removes that web.

    When I would like it by: By the end of the week if you can .

    Thank You
  2. Offline


    ok, like the 100 th protection plugin. use AreaGuard, ProtectionStones, and Factions/towny/kingdom.

    you shud look for some BEFORE you post.
  3. Offline


    I have and tried all of them :) Also I hate when people paste a comment when they do nothing but make the poster mad. So please stop if your not going to help.
  4. Offline


    No, he's partially correct -- PreciousStones does do this. You can define your own blocks and what they do. It's not going to give them the message "Nice try griefer ...", because I don't think that everyone who tries to build in an area is a griefer... But it will give them some sort of message. I'm pretty sure you can define a max number of protections, too.
  5. Offline


    All right thank you.

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