Solved Grief Prevention SoftMute

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Rock_Cam12, Dec 7, 2015.

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    Hey guys,
    So, i recently installed Grief Prevention on my server, and its running well except for one problem.. Once a new person joins, they are automatically "soft muted", and it gets annoying after a bit. I've done /softmute [player] and it unmutes them for 3 minutes or so, and mutes them again. The only way i can stop it is to go into the config file and erase it, but that gets troublesome when you have people joining, and sometimes it doesnt even work. Anyone know how to stop this issue? Thanks, and have a great day

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    This issue has been solved, i found the solution myself, all i had to do was erase the bannedWords document. I will mark this thread as solved
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