Grief Prevention info

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by XFarwar, Jul 2, 2019.

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    Hi, I'm playing around with Grief Prevention plugin and i noticed this in the config:
        Claim Blocks Accrued Per Hour:
          Default: 100
        Max Accrued Claim Blocks:
          Default: 2000
    Does this mean i can set more Groups, for example VIP in 'Claim Blocks Accrued Per Hour:'? I mean, can i give to a VIP players more claim blocks accrued per Hour just writing under Default 'VIP: <blocks>'?
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    @XFarwar I've never used the plugin, so i don't know, but you can always try it. :p
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    I tried but it does not work.. Is there a way to do that?
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    1. Did you restart the server after changing the values and saving the file? (Just making sure)
    2. Can you show what you tried?
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    1. Yes,
        Claim Blocks Accrued Per Hour:
          Default: 100
          Vip: 200
    When I restart the server, there are no errors in Console, but the config removes the string 'Vip' after the reload.
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    @XFarwar Then i guess it's not possible.
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