Grabbing Information from Essentials?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Eggspurt, Apr 22, 2015.

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    How would I grab information from Essentials I am specifically looking for the

    /kick player [Reason]

    I want the "Reason" part.

    Is this possible? Any suggestions?
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    This can be easier than what
    @nj2miami said.

    public void onKick(PlayerKickEvent pke){
        String kickReason = pke.getReason();
        if(kickReason.equalsIgnoreCase("blah blah"){
            //do your code here
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    This is true. It all depends if he wishes to react to the event or only capture the reason. If it is ONLY to capture the reason, @Agentleader1 is correct in being much simpler to do so.

    If he is making a plugin which allows Essentials to kick but he wants to do something with it before kicking them, then you have to go about capturing it in preprocess.
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    @nj2miami He be talking dem command man. Dem only odder dings dat be causing deh keecks are from odder plugins or fl-I-ing.
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    What language are you speaking?
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    @Agentleader1 @nj2miami I think he is speaking my language because I can understand it perfectly :- D
    Ειδόυ λοιπών! (That's how mine looks like)
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    mine-care likes this.
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