Good night, my sweet Bukkit

Discussion in 'Staff Goodbyes' started by lukegb, Sep 6, 2014.

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    [Posted on behalf of s0f4r]

    Hi folks,

    I have not been a contributor for very long, but, as some may know, things happen in life that make it hard, if not impossible, to spend your time on things in life that amount to "work" - things that you wouldn't do if you didn't have to. Ultimately we all want to retire. It's even harder if that work isn't rewarding enough to make you come back for some alternate form of compensation, tangible or not. It's really hard to sustain however if there is no compensation whatsoever.

    I've recently become a father for the third time in my life, and as I've done so before several times in my life, but especially when we had a newborn in our family, is that I've re-evaluated my priorities where needed. The upside is that my kids and wife will get my full attention, the downside is that I've decided to no longer be part of BukkitDev staff.

    I wish the best to folks that are taking over.


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    Thanks for you Contribution to Bukkit! Farewell
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