Gliding with chickens?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Eria8, Dec 5, 2013.

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    I've been looking for a plugin that could do this for a while but can't find one.
    Basically, I want it to be like chickens in Zelda: Ocarina of Time, where you can pick up a chicken and when you jump, you glide with it, and when you hit another block you drop the chicken and fall.

    Example here:

    I think Mo'Creatures mod has something like that with normal birds, but I really don't want to add a big mod to my MCPC+ server for one tiny little feature. And the Armour Movement mod has a Glider, but it's way too fast and I don't think it has multiplayer support.

    I was thinking just right-click a chicken with an empty hand to pick it up, and when you jump you fall very slowly and can move while falling to glide forward. I know hardly anything of coding, but it seems like it would be relatively simple.
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    We dont support mods or mcpc+ here
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    What are you talking about? He's asking for a plugin, which we can provide. We can't make him a mod, which may be what your cited "rule" is talking about. On the other hand, this post is about the fact that he doesn't want to use a mod and instead is looking for one of us to make him a plugin that does the same.

    In regards to your post Eria8 , this is a pretty simple plugin. It only involves a little bit of velocity work and setting the chicken to ride the player. I can't do this for you, as I have some other projects I'm working on at the moment, but another dev should be able to help you in a timely fashion.
    Gitany likes this.
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    I cant make plugins, but i have an idea that may work. Make the player ride an invisible chicken while have a vsible one on his head. If a player rides a chicken he will fall slowly. The only problems is the sitting animation and that you will land with thechickens feet. maybe you could make it so that the chicken under you disapears when standing on the ground?
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    That'd require more work that just having a chicken ride the player and then tweaking the player's Y velocity if they have a chicken riding them.
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    didnt think that was possible... well lets hope someone makes it
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    I might make it in a bit if I can finish helping a friend with his java project that's due in 2 hours. offtopic: its easy, but I can't just dump him code since he wont learn
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    We don't support modded servers. Locked.
    timtower likes this.
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