Hey guys I was wondering if someone could make me a giveall plugin I want one that can give any item like enchanted items.There was one but you couldn't give enchanted items Commands: /giveall hand /giveall itemid Please make this for me!
I menalike /giveall hand that will give any item in your hand to everyone like make sure it can be enchanted and can be different quanitties Thanks!
Download at : https://www.dropbox.com/s/ldvia7vjtz0n6n0/GiveAll.jar Command is /giveall Tip on PP at [email protected]
Cant you just use Essentials to CONFIG the amount of items? You can set it to like 300 as a max, rather than 64. Instead of /giveall, just use /give, or /i
SirJava I think he means send the item in his hand to all players, including enchants and amount, at least thats what I got out of it, lol.
I think he means when he does /giveall to a items he's holding it'll put all the enchantments with max levels on that item
I mean the item in my hand will give everyone on the server that item even if it has enchantments I mean like the item in my hand wether its enchnated or not will give everyone on the server that exact same item it should be able to do any item.Ex. DiamondPickaxe Enchnated efficiency 10 all i would do will /giveall hand and it will give veryone that is on the sevrer at that time the item i was holding in my hand. I want it so it can be any item with any enchants thanks! EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Oh alright so when you do that let's say you have a stack of diamonds and you type in the command /give all hand will it give a player 1 diamond each or a stack of diamonds each?
vortex25565 From what I can tell; If he types "/giveall hand", it would have to give every player online the same itemstack. So it should copy all data of it. The enchantments, lores, displaynames and also the amount.
Because when i do /giveall all it does is give me a stack of the item in my hand like a duplicator thats completely not what i wanted
There is still one mistery though: It does not give the item back to the command issuer. These are the sources : http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=8NaDuLxS Specifically : Code:java Player[] onlinePlayers = getServer().getOnlinePlayers(); for(Player player : onlinePlayers) if(player != senderPlayer) player.getInventory().addItem(currentItemInHand);
Ok thats fine but i mean can you do 1 thing to it can you make it so in chat it syas a message Saying Bigboss1456 has gaven eevryone and the thing in my hand. Also i want the command to be /giveall hand. And make it so it gives everyone online players the iotem even if its enhcnated Thanks Please put link in the post
Hi. I updated the plugin following your request : https://www.dropbox.com/s/ldvia7vjtz0n6n0/GiveAll.jar It looks perfect :
First of all. Can I use this plugin? Second of all. If I can, can you correct your spelling *has given*everyone*