Give player an amount as an arg

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Dirtcraft24, Feb 5, 2015.

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    Im currently trying to make a function where /coins add {number} and it adds that amount. I already have a giveCoins function and im trying to use it in a command but it says it needs to be a int and its a string. Currently still learning so excuse me if its very simple but whats a way to fix this?

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    The onl
    The only problem is if its a String then it wont work because im in need of /coins add {number} and a string isnt that? Im probably just not understanding. Wouldnt it needs to be args[1] though?
  4. Offline


    Use int addcoins = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
    Surround this with a try/catch for NumberFormatException - If the arg isn't a number it will throw numberformatexception and you can put a message such as "Error: That is not a number"
    Enough feeding from me. If you don't know what a try/catch block is, google is your best friend :O
    teej107 likes this.
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    Alright thank you for the fast reply and help. I will try now
    CullanP likes this.
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