give money on kill (different ammounts per rank)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by joshy939, Sep 26, 2015.

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    Hello I am requesting a plugin that will basically give a chosen set of money to people when they kill someone.

    However that is not all, yes I know that there is a lot of plugins on giving people money on kills but I need one to let me in the config or in permissions give the default people maybe like $15 a kill but the next rank so for my server joker would get like 25% more money the defaults etc.

    I would like a config to have:

    a area where I can change the message that people receive when they kill someone so like &a&lyou have received $25 for killing %player%

    the amount of money each rank gets or if we cannot do that (has to work with permissionsex) to have it so I can simply add a permission like balanceup.balance.25 - which would give the group who has that permission to get $25 and so on

    If there is already a plugin on this can someone leave a link to it or something please I really need it.
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    this would be interesting not that I can make it but I am curious to see how this will work. If it turns out well would I be able to use it for my rpg server?

    also joshy939 this plugin can get abusive with 2 friends. they can just kill eachother for fun and make money maybe make it so the player loses money or there is a cooldown or something

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
  3. If this plugin doesn't already exist (which it very likely does), then I'd be happy to give it a shot. Gives me a break from the really complicated stuff I've been doing in the plugin I'm working on now :p
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    it doesn't exist I look everywhere it has to support of different groups please give it a shop im desperate for it

    is there any way u could make it so u can also make it so different groups loose different amounts of money?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2015
  5. Shouldn't be too hard. Btw, I just started now. Was late for me when I responded, and when I code tired... yeah... :p
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    what version is the plugin and will it be open for the public cause I mentioned this would be a cool plugin
  7. Plugin will be on my BukkitDev page once it's done. It will be open-source, and built for 1.8.

    Probably. Doesn't help that you did again though. Remember, on the bottom-left of your posts, there's an "Edit" link. Use that to add on to your previous post.

    EDIT: The plugin is now at a point where killing any player will give you $15. I'm now going to start work on configuration and permissions.

    EDIT 2: Crap, I've got a loose graphics card. I'll try to work on this as much as possible while I try to get it fixed. Thankfully, the integrated card works for now, so I'll have to rely on that.

    EDIT 3: Ok, apparently it isnt... Meh, just Windows being Windows, I guess :p This plugin should be finished tomorrow (school holidays ftw)
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2015
  8. Offline


    ok and that sucks about the graphics card. I am looking forward to this plugin when it comes out this could be use full for many things
  9. Offline


    is the amount of money they get configurable?

    how does the groups in the config have to do with permissions or pex?

    and am I able to add and delete groups from the config?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2015
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    Please use only one quote if it is the same post.
    Otherwise it gets hard to read
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    It was a triple post merged by a moderator.
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