Solved Giants AI

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mine2012craft, Jul 10, 2017.

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    This is probably a hopeless case, but might as well confirm it.

    So, I was wondering if there is any way you can give a giant their AI back. After playing on MineZ I realized that Giants on there still have their AI despite the server being in 1.9+, so I have no idea how they did that. Does anyone here know how?

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    They are creating a custom entity with their own AI. Since this requires quite a lot of knowledge to achieve (setting up a custom entity, overriding methods, writing and accessing pathfindergoals, and other modifications you need for the ai), I need to know what you already know before I reply what you will need to do. Do you already know how to create a custom entity?
  3. Offline


    Create a custom entity, and copy/paste the code for a regular zombie. That's it. [that's not actually it, make sure you take care of all the formalities]
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    Ah, well all I really have is just the ability to make mobs follow players. This might be a bit out of my league :I
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    Machine Maker

    If you could explain how to do this, or point us towards a good tutorial into custom mobs, I would like to learn how to create them as well.
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    @mine2012craft @X1machinemaker1X
    This tutorial will show you the basics for overriding an existing entity's AI:

    After that, you can use this tutorial to set up custom pathfinding goals. PathfindingGoals control what an entity does; random strolling, targeting players, even having the entity look at you is all controlled by pathfinding.:
    Machine Maker likes this.
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    I did not need it right now, I was just wondering, but I'm sure this will come in handy for future projects so thanks!
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