GetType() equivalent for Entity?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Reil, Feb 28, 2011.

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    I have a plugin which hooks entity events. Blocks have a getType function which returns a convenient enumeration result. Do entities have the equivalent? I can't seem to find it buried in the javadocs. The enumeration exists, but there isn't a function to find the value of any field that would be in an entity...
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    Not really, but there is an alternative. All entity types, including the broad type entity, are all interfaces, so an entity is an interface of all the other types. Use
    if (Entity instanceof EntityType)
    to find if it's of a type and
    to cast it as the type it is.
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    I found an interesting, if hackish way of getting a mob's name without relying on ugly cascading ifs!

    String targeter = entity.getClass().getName();
    targeter = targeter.substring(targeter.lastIndexOf("Craft") + "Craft".length());
    The getClass().getName() combo returns something like:

    The second line cuts off everything before the mob name!

    Code is in use in new MonsterTriggers plugin.
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