Getting player's settings

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Bammerbom, Jun 4, 2014.

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    • String locale in EntityPlayer#locale (Spigot confirmed, couldn't confirm with CB because Cloudies refused to properly redirect)
    • Clientside renderdistance doesn't seem to be saved (again, not confirmed with CB)
    • EnumChatVisibility from EntityPlayer#getChatFlags()
    • boolean bW in EntityPlayer apparently is for chat colours
    • The difficulty doesn't seem to be saved (probably only if the 'server' is a single player world)
    • boolean for the cape is in the DataWatcher, index 16, Byte value
    Bammerbom likes this.
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    fireblast709 The thing I need is the Difficulty so it could be nice if I could send that packet somehow to the player.
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    Bammerbom It is more that you would receive the packet. And getting that setting would require intercepting it (like ProtocolLib does, but you don't want that ;))
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    Bammerbom not any easy way that I can think of. I would seriously recommend ProtocolLib, even though you specified you didn't want to use it.
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    I dont care about using NMS... Really not? :(
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