Getting inventory-style name of a material

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Clavus, Jan 6, 2013.

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    I'm trying to retrieve the 'inventory name' of a block when you a player interacts with it. What I tried so far:

    ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(block.getType(), 1, (short)0);
    stack.setData(new MaterialData(block.getType(), block.getData()));
    String name = stack.getItemMeta().getDisplayName();
    but 'name' just comes out as 'null' in this case. Any help?
  2. Offline


    shouldn't you get the inventory of the block (like casting the BlockState to org.bukkit.block.Chest for chests, get the inventory and get the name of that inventory)
  3. Offline


    Uhm maybe I wasn't too clear, I want to get the display name of the item, like how it is shown inside an inventory. Not the name of the actual inventory. Sorry for the confusion.
  4. Offline


    1. String name = stack.getItemMeta().hasItemMeta() ? stack.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() : stack.getType().name().replace("_", " ").toLowerCase();
    Note that this gives the bukkit Material name, not the actual minecraft name. For that you should either have a list of the names yourself or somehow extract the name from the NMS classes
  5. Offline


    So there's no normal way to retrieve the display names of inventory items? That'd suck. The method you'd give wouldn't take metadata into account, so different colours of wool would just be displayed as "wool".
  6. Offline


    Well most of the items would have the same name, but items like cooked porkchop would return the name "grilled porkchop"
  7. Offline


    Yes, since that has a different item ID.

    Meh, it's possible the inventory item names are not on the server at all since they're only shown on the client, and get their names from the language files.
  8. Offline


    If you want to display the normal name, just set the display name to null
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