Solved Getting a whole number from a string list.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ItsComits, Oct 13, 2017.

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    Hello, I have recently come across a problem while getting a number from a list. The issue is if I check for the number 1 I get number 10. Is there any way I can differentiate between them?
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    @baighxansgaming All I have tried is looping through the string list and then checking each string with .contains("some int")
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    If it is specifically for numbers, just check if the value equals 1.

    If this does not answer your problem, can you explain what exactly are you trying to achieve?
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    @Zombie_Striker What I am trying to do is get a string from the string list which includes numbers and other characters. I am trying to check if the number is equal to another number from a variable within my class using .contains. But this seems to not work as when I check for the nunber 1. I get 10, 11 etc
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    If you are using the #contains() method it will return anything that has the character '1' in it, so you would probably have to do #equals().
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    @baighxansgaming @Zombie_Striker @Iran The problem is not solved. I cannot do .equals() as this string contains more than just integers. The question is. How do I collect all of the integers within the string? from here I will use the .equals() to get an accurate result hopefully. :)
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    This looks like something where Regex is needed. Basically, what you want to do is create a pattern that check for the numbers and, using groups, find the substring that contains only the numbers.
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    @ItsComits If the string follow a format, like class1, class2, class10 etc.. you can split 'class' for get the number. Otherwise, use regex.
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    @Zombie_Striker I have got the issue solved. I did use Regex but forgot to remove the colour codes from the string which got me the wrong outcome. (ChatColor.stripColour). If you want to collect all numbers in a string use the regex \\D+. Thanks for the help. :D
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