Getting a list of KEYS without it inside []

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by GeekyCompz, Oct 18, 2013.

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    The title explains it all. I need to get a LIST of the KEYS without it being inside any of those [].
    Now I achieved this, although this disables the player from putting any name with those brackets in them. So I only want to replace the first and last one.

    Code So Far. But replaces all of those characters.
    String allProblems = problemsyml.getConfigurationSection("Problems").getKeys(false).toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "");
  2. Offline


    Just trim the string
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    I did, but it still has the [] at the end and beginning...
  4. .getKeys(false) returns a set of keys that you could use, just look over the collection as normally to get al the separate keys
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