Solved Get the original Pluginobject

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TheA13X, Jul 22, 2013.

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    So. I have to get a Hashmap from my other Plugin, but I don't know, how to do this. Can I just make a new Instance of it? I mean that would be just a new Instance, where this HashMap is empty, like by default, or not?
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    Could you be more precise about what you try to achieve? Maybe (I guess so) there is an alternative to having to create a new instance of your other plguin to achieve the same result.
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    I have one Plugin, which selects a zone(like WorldEdit). The two edgepoints are saved in a Hashmap as a Locationarray. The key is the name of the player selecting the points and I've made a Method, which returns this array. So how can I connect to this Plugin to use this method?

    P.S. No, I won't use WorldEdit for this, because I want my server to use only my plugins
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    In your other plugin you could get the plugin class via:

    MySelectionPlugin selectionPlugin = (MySelectionPlugin) Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("the_name_of_you_selection_plugin_from_plugin.yml");

    Make sure you have added your SelectionPlugin to the build path of your other plugin and you have made the necesarry imports.

    Then in you selection plugin you could make a public method like:

    public Location[] getSelection(String playerName) {
    return selectionsMap.get(playerName);

    And then in the other plugin call it like:

    Location[] selection = selectionPlugin.getSelection("blablubbabc");
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    Thnk you for this, Guy with the very difficult name! This was very helpful.:D
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