Get target ItemFrame (=! Block) getTargetEntity()

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by woutwoot, Feb 18, 2013.

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    What I need is something like this (distance not necessary) : player.getTargetBlock(transparent, maxDistance) but for ItemFrames. Can someone help ?
    If it would help, I only need the location of the ItemFrame the player is looking at.

    Before someone says so, if found this:
    But it gave me NullPointerException.

    Please help.
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    1. Block block = player.getTargetBlock(null, 100);
    2. if(block instanceof ItemFrame){
    3. ItemFrame frame = (ItemFrame) block;
    4. }

    This doesnt work?
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    That's to get a block. Doesn't work with ItemFrame because that's an Entity.
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