Get player who threw snowball to block

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by rcth, Aug 5, 2013.

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    I want to make a plugin, which interacts when a player throw a snowball at a specific block (like lapis). When a snowball hit that specific block, the plugin should get the player who threw it and then interact with it.

    Is this possible and if so, any hints, so I can get started?

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    To get the "shooter" of the snowball is no problem but the block the snoball hits is. I tried that once but I failed :-/
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    Use "ProjectileLaunchEvent" and get the 'Entity' (player in this case) who is involved. Check if the projectile shot was a snowball.
    Then use "ProjectileHitEvent" and get the block/entity that was hit.

    Edit: as AmShaegar says, I did take a look at getting the block that was involved and it doesn't seem possible. It only looks like you can get the entity that was involved.
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    not an easy task, it is possible but not something you could write up in a few minutes. You would need to calculate the snowballs trajectory and find the first block it hits, then check wether or not it is a lapis block etc
  5. Offline


    Sadly, the ProjectileHitEvent does not have a getHitBlock() method.
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    Thank you for all these answers. I will try something.

    I know it's possible, because I know someone did it.
  7. Offline


    If you were to use get target block you'd have to use some calculating and stuff :/
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