Get original itemstack of launched projectile

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by 4thegame3, Sep 15, 2014.

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    How can i get the original itemstack value from a launched potion for example?
    i need to get also the itemmeta.
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    4thegame3 on PlayerInteractEvent, iterate over the inventory and get the first arrow/snowball/whatever projectile stack if the Action is RIGHT_CLICK_*.

    On ProjectileShootEvent, get that ItemStack and save it as the Projectile's Metadata.

    On EntityDamageByEntity/ProjectileHitEvent, simply get the Metadata and do whatever with the ItemStack. Moreover, remove the Metadata on ProjectileHitEvent (for cleanup)
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    what is the method in this case to get the itemstack

    EDIT: wait, do i have to use all 3 methods?
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    4thegame3 It's one 'method' to tackle the issue at hand. I didn't mean 'java method' :p. You would have to listen to all events listed above (whether you listen to the damage, launch or both depends on your code)
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