Get Console Output?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Meatiex, Dec 25, 2014.

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    How would I get all the output that shows up in the console?

    I plan on making a java jframe console that shortens things like login messages.

    Any help is awesome :D
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    Windy Day

    You can add a handler to the bukkit logger with:
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    How would I define a handler?
    Sorry for the late reply, I couldn't get to my computer for a few days.
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    Make a class that extends Handler or create an anonymous class for it, and fill out the implementation for what you want it to do. Read the Handler javadoc
    mythbusterma likes this.
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    Wouldn't he be better off adding a custom Appender to the org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger, that way he can receive all of the console output (Including chat messages) instead of just receiving the plugin messages that use "getLogger().info(String)"?
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