Solved Get and set nbt tags to blocks(Simple Awnser Below ;) !!!)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Lightspeed, Jan 11, 2016.


Nbt tags are awesome(Light is bored so he makes a poll)

  1. CRAP YEAH!!!

    1 vote(s)
  2. Sure!

    0 vote(s)
  3. Not really. . .

    1 vote(s)
  4. What is wrong with you light. . .

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Offline


    I need to get nbt tags of a block and then set it to another block.
    Simple enough?
  2. Offline


    Please click the link in my signature.

    What have you tried? Can you post what you tried? What is not working?
  3. Offline


    @Zombie_Striker Well I tried grabbing data from the block I was looking at and set it to the same block with the same data at my location.
    Nothing amazing I just thought data would have the things I need like items in chest and sign data.
    Code erm just
    . . .
    I don't see any need for this in the question.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2016
  4. Offline


    Omg guys I'm so proud of myself! :D
    Player p = (Player) s;
                    Location loc = p.getTargetBlock((HashSet<Byte>) null, 0).getLocation();
                    Location loc2 = p.getLocation();
                    Block b = p.getWorld().getBlockAt(loc);
                    Block b2 = p.getWorld().getBlockAt(p.getLocation());
                    b2.setTypeIdAndData(b.getTypeId(), b.getData(), false);
                    CraftWorld cw = (CraftWorld)p.getWorld();
                    TileEntity tileEntity = cw.getTileEntityAt(loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ());
                    TileEntity tileEntity2 = cw.getTileEntityAt(loc2.getBlockX(), loc2.getBlockY(), loc2.getBlockZ());
                    WorldServer we = cw.getHandle();
                    we.setTileEntity(tileEntity2.getPosition(), tileEntity);
    Hopefully you can learn from this test code I created to learn myself.
    It basically takes the block the players is looking at and COMPLETLY copies it to were hes standing.
    Also you can use we.SomeSetting = true/false; to change settings thru the plugin I belive(MAYBE NOT)
    If your going to copy/paste please learn what it does and use some of the code. This code will generate an error setting 1 tileEntity to another(Bukkit will fix it but, the second block you break of the 2 you copied will send a message to console!)

    You might wana create your own tile entity instead of copying it like I did.
    Bukkit will fix everything but, It will spam your console(Remember this is just code to learn not to to perform).
    EDIT: Thx mod I accidentaly erased ur edit sorry.
    ANOTHEREDIT: Like I said learn how this code works and learn from it. It isn't code to run
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
  5. Offline


    Proper Code No Errors(May have uneeded lines of code)
    Player p = (Player) s;
    Location loc = p.getTargetBlock((HashSet<Byte>) null, 0).getLocation();
    Location loc2 = p.getLocation();
    Block b = p.getWorld().getBlockAt(loc);
    Block b2 = p.getWorld().getBlockAt(p.getLocation());
    b2.setTypeIdAndData(b.getTypeId(), b.getData(), true);
    CraftWorld cw = (CraftWorld) p.getWorld();
    TileEntity tileEntity = cw.getTileEntityAt(loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ());
    TileEntity tileEntity2 = cw.getTileEntityAt(loc2.getBlockX(), loc2.getBlockY(), loc2.getBlockZ());
    NBTTagCompound ntc = new NBTTagCompound();
    NBTTagCompound ntc2 = new NBTTagCompound();
    ntc2 = (NBTTagCompound) ntc.clone();
    ntc2.setInt("x", loc2.getBlockX());
    ntc2.setInt("y", loc2.getBlockY());
    ntc2.setInt("z", loc2.getBlockZ());
    So easy!
    Feel free to use code above(Please learn what it does first so you can remove uneeded crap if there)!
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