[GEN/SEC/ECON/TP/ADMN] Essentials - A collection of useful commands

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by EssentialsTeam, Apr 30, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I'm to lazy to read what other people posted but when is essentials 1.3.1 coming out?

    If it already came out can i have a download link?

    how do i connect to irc?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  2. Offline


    cousinjoshy1: use the edit button! essentials 1.3 dev builds are out, download dev builds. for IRC, click the IRC link that the post links.
  3. As I said earlier, volunteer. Our only form of recruitment is by having people join, get helped and decide to stay. I don't know of any other way of 'getting some people'.

    Essentials at any one time has about 3 active (committing that month) developers and 1 support staff, the rest are volunteers who are willing to give up a few hours of their day to help respond to questions.

    Everyone on the development team has so little free time it's a wonder the plugin is actively updated.

    I personally don't read any of the bukkit forums unless one of the volunteers like Necrodoom specifically points out a post for me to read.

    It didn't. I saw your problem in the support channel and asked you to pm me. Me being one of the two developers who fix things. Necrodoom not being a developer or staff couldn't have done anything to fix your issue other than tell me on IRC. As it happens your issue isn't Essentials, but Bukkit. It has been reported to bukkit using their bug system.
    dark_hunter likes this.
  4. Offline


    However, you walked away without seeing the issue yourself... and the 10 minutes it took for me to discover the torch issue was enough for you not to be there when I returned. When I tried to relay the issue with the torch I was talked to by everyone there as if the issue was new... starting from the beginning...

    It took the forums for the facts to come out. Necrodoom might not fix things, but at least he can tell you that my problem IS real... that is more progress than I made all day in IRC.

    EDIT : (Gah tried to edit hit the wrong button... lemme try again ). Do you remember your response when I said I would come back if I found anything else? The fact is... I did find a bug... Necrodoom did help me confirm it... AFTER IRC had already failed it's purpose.

    Next time I'll keep my bugs to myself. I didn't realize trying to help you guys with something you are obviously passionate about was going to be such a problem.

    Interesting to think that the bukkit folks would have probably told me "it's just a problem with that addon and you should talk to the authors"... at least now the authors can confirm it too.

    Still no thanks to IRC. My problem isn't to do with not being heard... my problem is the fact that the one place i COULD be heard has a big warning at the beginning telling me not to speak about it here.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
    dark_hunter likes this.
  5. Offline


    HELP i dont want to reset my groups in group manager! when i use a command like manuadd <name> <group> it says internal server error! heres my config file # Group inheritance
    # any inherited groups prefixed with a g: are global groups
    # These groups are defined in the globalgroups.yml
    # and can be inherited in any worlds groups/users.yml.
    # Groups without the g: prefix are groups local to this world
    # and defined in the this groups.yml file.

    default: true
    - -bukkit.command.kill

    - g:essentials_default
    - g:bukkit_default
    prefix: '[Default]'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    - '*'
    - admin
    '&4[Owner]': '&4[Owner]'
    prefix: '&4[Owner]'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: [- -bukkit.command.kill
    inheritance: []
    prefix: '&e[Member]'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    inheritance: []
    prefix: '&9[Donator]'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    - default
    prefix: '&3[Player]'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    - donator
    prefix: '&6[$$$Donator+$$$]'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    - owner

    prefix: '&o[Raf8884]'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    - moderator
    - g:essentials_admin
    - g:bukkit_admin
    - g:towny_admin
    prefix: '&c[Admin]'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    inheritance: []
    prefix: '&2[Trusted]'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    inheritance: []
    prefix: '&e[Builder+]'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    inheritance: []
    prefix: '&b[Elite]'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    - Owner
    inheritance: [-Owner ]
    '[Co-Owner]': '&6'
    prefix: ''
    build: false
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    - default
    - g:essentials_builder
    - g:towny_builder
    prefix: '&2[Builder]'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    inheritance: []
    prefix: '&a[Veteran]'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    inheritance: []
    prefix: ''
    '[Donator$20]': '&4'
    '&4': ' [Donate$20]'
    build: false
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    - builder
    - g:essentials_moderator
    - g:bukkit_moderator
    - g:towny_moderator
    prefix: '&5[Moderator]'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
  6. Offline


    Is Essentials working with 1.3.1 perfectly?
  7. Offline


    i think so
  8. Offline


    Lol, you said you were going to try it some more, so I left the server, you never told me in our pm convo you found out what it was....

  9. Offline


    Hello! I have a tool for mac users that lets them set up their own server automatically. http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mac-only-autobukkitserver-easy.76488/ May I have permission to include an Essentials download in my tool? Thanks! hawkfalcon
  10. Offline


    And as I said, maybe not clearly... I did return with what I thought was going to be a quick "hey try this"... only to realize it was going to take another hour just to be heard again, as you weren't there... I didn't feel like having yet another person tell me it's because of another addon, ignoring that I had no others installed... or it wasn't up to date... as I had already stated it was.

    SO I spent that 5 minutes here instead... someone confirmed it for me. At the end of the day, everybody so far that has contacted me from your team has had the attitude that I have done something horribly wrong by trying to help uncover a bug. Won't happen again.

    Bukkit points a finger at the addons... the addons point a finger at bukkit... and this looks more and more like my attempt wasn't even as much as appreciated. Even here, you all seem more interested in treating me like I did something horribly wrong, and if you look through the forums, that seems to be pretty common to anybody who has an issue with your product.

    I love the addon... I will never again attempt to contribute.
  11. Offline


    Fair enough, but you could have still replied in the still open pm window, or opened another one. Just because I don't respond for 30s, doesn't mean I won't eventually get around to reading a pm.
  12. Offline


    Yup... it's all my fault and I'm a horrible person for trying.
  13. Offline


    Anyway I'll end this topic because its obviously useless.

    Warning: Posting bugs or feature requests in this thread is discouraged because on average the actual developers look at this thread twice a month.

    If you have an issue or bug report please use the bug tracking system, which emails the development team each ticket.

    If you need help setting up the plugin, want some general help, or want to confirm you have a valid bug, try using the live chat link on the first post. We have a team of volunteers and members of the general public who are willing to help you get going.

    Only post in this thread if you have no real desire for any of the development team to ever actually read your post, because unless someone just happens to point it out to me on IRC or in a support ticket, I wont actually read it, because I work full time and probably shouldn't be reading bukkit forums in the office.

    Lead Developer

    Edit: The views represented in this post do not reflect that of the entire team, I think some of the team check in here occasionally to see if there are any major reported bugs.
  14. I never read here.
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    come talk to us on IRC :p
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    Why was this plugin on the top of the list?

    Hey, is this good for 1.3.1?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  19. Offline


    If you pick up the pre release (from bukkitdev) or dev builds yes.
  20. Offline


    can you use this for 1.3.1
  21. Offline


    Everything working fine except /sudo. It seems like in order for a player to be a target of sudo, they need the permissions for sudo itself, which kinda of renders it pointless. Right now, I use /sudo on a player for kill, /kill or test or /say test. It says it carries out the command but there is no output from the player, the players chat says they don't have permission.

    What am I doing wrong?
  22. Offline


    I got this error idk is this for faction plugin or this so i ask both

    08.08 14:35:52 [Server] WARNING Error with EssentialsChat listener of Factions: com.massivecraft.factions.integration.EssentialsOldVersionFeatures$1.shouldHandleThisChat(Lorg/bukkit/event/player/AsyncPlayerChatEvent;)Z
  23. Offline


    Factions is out of date. bug them.
    chopstick121 likes this.
  24. Offline


    Does essentialschat support permissionsbukkit group prefixes/suffixes?
  25. Offline


    Anything I have to do when updating from 1.9.2 to 1.9.3+?

    You don't you try using Essentials Group Manager? It'll have less errors since it's from the same people and when you have a problem with Essentials or Essentials Group Manager it can save you time by posting them both in one place :)

    Thanks to the Essentials Team for making such successful and great plugins!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  26. Offline


    give more details. paste startup log using www.pastie.org
  27. Offline


    well.. ok.....i just got mysql.....does that do anything with it? does that umm break its perpuse?
  28. Offline


    you are still giving absolutely no info. paste startup log using www.pastie.org

    enisthenis: intended. /sudo executes as if you are really that person, which means, by his permissions.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  29. Offline



    ok i did my whole start up and i don't know where the errors are coming from as soon as i got my Mysql server up and then the group manager when wacko and essentialsprotect like took a shit on my server and my server couldn't work. and i don't use towny and stuff like that

    start up console link:


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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  30. Offline


    both LWC and essentialsprotect say they cant connect to your mysql server. check if its up.

    also, delete permissionsbukkit. useless, since you have groupmanager.

    also its recommended you use flatfile instead for essprotect

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