Inactive [GEN/INFO] WhoAreYou v0.3 - /who commands done properly [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by oliverw92, Apr 25, 2011.

  1. Offline


    WhoAreYou - /who done properly!!
    [​IMG] Download v0.3 [1337]


    Knowing who is on your server is one of the most important things when you are a server moderator/admin. The basic playerlist most plugins provide lacks information. WhoAreYou can provide you with loads of information about your players with very simple commands.
    Preview (open)




    • Coloured usernames according to Permissions group prefix in /who
    • Find out who is in a certain world with /who <world>
    • Get information about a particular user with /who <player>
    • Configure aliases for your worlds to make it easier for your users
    • Works in console (only basic listing in console)
    • Craftbukkit #740
    • Permissions - without permissions you need to be op to use commands
    Installation (open)

    1. Place WhoAreYou.jar in your plugins/ folder
    2. The plugin will auto create plugins/WhoAreYou/config.yml file when it runs
    3. Set up your permissions using the nodes below

    config.yml (open)

    This is contained in plugins/WhoAreYou/config.yml. The main configuration in this file is world aliases. The server auto-creates this file and adds as many homes as are loaded at the time of server start as possible. You can then add your other worlds to it. World aliases are used when doing something like /home <world> - say you have an undersirable world name like creativeworld4, you can use world aliases to change it to something simple like creative for use in MultiHome commands. When the plugin creates the file it will look something like this:

    aliases: world: world
    msg-online-on-join: true
    You can then customise it and add in your custom worlds like this:
    aliases:     atrium1: atrium     survival1: survival     build4: build     pvp3: pvp     nether1: nether
    msg-online-on-join: true
    msg-online-on-join controls whether a player is messaged the player list when they join the server.

    Usage (open)

    • /who <- Lists all online players
    • /who <world> <- Lists all players on specified world/alias
    • /who <player> <- Lists information about that player
    • You can use /list /online /listplayers /playerlist and /whois as aliases of /who

    Permission Nodes
    Permission Nodes (open)

    • whoareyou.list <- For basic /who
    • whoareyou.player <- For /who <player>
    • whoareyou.player.personal <- Shows IP and location in /who <player>
    • <- For /who <world>

    Version: v0.3 [740]
    • Added whoareyou.player.personal node
    • Fixed suffix bug
    Version: 0.2 [740]
    • Added console support
    • Added group suffix in listings
    Version: 0.1.5 [733]
    • Fixed line colours
    Version: 0.1.4 [733]
    • Added leading line to /whois
    Version: 0.1.3 [733]
    • Fixed partial naming
    Version: 0.1.2 [733]
    • Added partial naming support for /who <player>
    Version: 0.1.1 [733]
    • Added command aliases /list /online /listplayers /playerlist /whois
    Version: 0.1 [733]
    • Plugin released
    Plugin originally created for

    Checked against 733

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
    AS1LV3RN1NJA likes this.
  2. Offline


    CommandBook completely fucks with this plugin. I blocked CommandBook's .who permissions so I could use Whoareyou for colored listing, but it won't let me use /who or /list at all.
  3. Offline


    Build your own version of CommandBook from sk89q's website without /who or /whois. There is a link in his thread for it.
  4. Offline


    Thanks, just realized I could do that.
  5. Offline


    Can you add a feature so that it checks if a "Player" is an npc and does not show it in /who if it is.

    Theres an API method for that in citizens, I think.
  6. Offline


    /afk please :)
    AS1LV3RN1NJA likes this.
  7. Offline


    Amazing plugin mate :D about time someone got it right.

    Just as a suggestion, could we be able to omit people from showing in /who? I am using the NPC plugin and it adds the NPCs names to the /who list and it kinda clogs it up. If we are able to omit people/names, it would be epic :D
  8. Offline


    I second this! Will be waiting for the update! ^_^
  9. Offline

    Geoff Winans

    Noticed an issue with this plugin.

    In the /who <player> info list, it appears with:

    Group: AdministratorAdmin

    The actual group is "Admin". "Administrator" is the group prefix.

    Also, /who shows Groupnameusername.


    Server playerlist: (#/##): Administratorgwinans

    It also does with when using suffix.

    Can this.. not happen?
  10. Offline


    I don't know if this has been said already but it shows the npcs from the plugin Citizens as online.
  11. Offline

    Geoff Winans

    Here's what would be nice to see as configuration options.

    Either have us add a new node under "info" in the permissions yml. Example:

    color: '&<colorcode>'

    Or.. in a whoareyou.yml:

    Group1: '&c'
    Group2: '&f'
    Group3: '&3'

  12. Offline


    tried if implementing /afk with prefixes would work, - the new prefix is shown in chat, but not in /who - do you cache the prefix? Are you planning on adding a /afk cmd?
    AS1LV3RN1NJA likes this.
  13. Offline


    seems to work on 803
  14. nice this is good
  15. Offline


    Sorry I haven't replied guys, the bukkit notification system is AWFUL.

    Rather than that, I might just make a list people can create in the config file of names to ignore from listing.

    Sorry I'm not really interested in that. That is somethign that should be done with permissions and the prefix/suffix stuff in that.

    That's not really an 'issue' - it puts the prefix and suffix on the names like prefix and suffixes should be used. I could add a config option to disable it if you want?

    I am going to make it so you can create a list of names to exclude.

    New nodes in permission files aren't possible.

    What's wrong with just using the prefix and suffix in permissions.yml to colour the text?

    I currently don't have a static download link. I suppose I could use github for it though.

    I don't cache the prefix, no. I get it fresh from Permissions each time. I am not adding an afk command, no.
  16. Offline


    unwatch the thread. watch it again and specify u want email notifications.
  17. Offline

    Geoff Winans

    Because in my Permissions config, the "prefix" also contains the color code. Hence the output of WhoAreYou displaying the full prefix tagname.

    Also, PermissionsPlus adds a new node under the info: section called "rank:". I think it may be possible.
  18. Multiworld is broken in 818/819. (Unsurprisingly ;))
    Doesn't seem to pick up /who creative etc.

    Works fine, ignore me.
  19. Offline


    Erm i don't think so, it's working fine for me on 819? Make sure your world aliases are set up correctly
  20. Sorry, yep. My mistake. Changed around / added some worlds recently.
    Works fine. Thanks.
  21. Offline


    Glad it's working for you :)
  22. What will you say to add the possibility to change the display language?
    For example in the file corresponding to the key variables config.yml put in differentphrases, to translate the display.
  23. Offline


    Thank you for a fantastic plugin.

    I would love if the player list could look like this:

    Server player list (14/30):
    Guest: Player1, Player2, Player3
    Builder: Player3, Player4, Player5
    Mod: Player6, Player7

    What do you think?
    wokka1 likes this.
  24. i am using permissions 3.14b and this mod will show the colors in the list. however it seems the &3 color is broken. it doesent color the name, it actually shows &3 before the name
  25. LOVE THE PLUGIN... The only thing i request is that i can change the display options of the list. E.g. change to not have the group listed, change message color. etc...

    Thanks again
  26. Offline


    NPCs from citizens -can- use existing players' names.
    Would suck to have half the folks not showing up.
  27. Offline


    ... when i use /who it displays the same as i would write /who mg127 instead of the onlinelist
    cb860/928, permissions.3.1.4b
  28. Offline


  29. Offline


    anyway to remove npcs from the /who? because we have lots of npcs in differnt areas like malls and towns and it spams the /who alot!
  30. Offline


    I will look into the NPC issue. It is kinda hard to do differentiate between players and NPCs though.

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