[GEN] BukkitInventoryTools - Find it on BukkitDev.

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Gabriel333, Sep 11, 2011.

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    olimoli123 likes this.
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    Why not? Is it a problem?

    Its easier for me, so I can reuse my code and integrate the difference features. Like sorting The Bookshelf Inventory and locking it with DigiLock and the book feature is of cause a part of the Bookshelf.
  3. Yes i might find something i like in ur plugin, and then something someone else has done better. Or maybe something else that just conflicts with something i dont even use from ur plugin. I just think it makes sense to keep separate functions and ideas in seperate plugins. I can only imagine it makes it easier for you as well, since you can prioritise and realise/fix faster anything you want and keep track of bug reports etc. without having to fix a whole and pardon my word bloated plugin
  4. Offline


    Well in my opinion it is easier to maintain one plugin, and integration between plugins is difficult. I dont work on a wide area of features, I focus on the features around the inventory. Locking, sorting and storing items in it - using a GUI.

    If you want a lightweight plugin just use one of all the other plugins - I recomment ChestLock or LWC they are really good.
  5. Offline


    Whenever I make a bookshelf an inventory, if I put stuff in it then close it all the stuff is gone the next time I open it :(
  6. Offline


    Storing items in a bookshelf, should work fine now. Do you get any errors in the console?
  7. Offline


    Could you add an option were you flag a dispenser so that each player can only activate/get something from it once?
    I am having a special halloween party and I want to make a dispenser that players can activate and get free pumpkins/webs from it. But I only want them to be able to activate it once so they can't just get as much as they want.
    I hope this is possible :D
  8. Offline


    It is possible, but it is not easy to make so I'm not sure if I'm able to make it before Halloween. I will put it on my "To do list"
  9. Offline


    Thanks so much :D
    sorry to hear it isn't easy to make. Don't feel presured by me, I don't care how long it takes, mabey before christmas though, thats when I'll be doing my next one XD
  10. Offline


    On latest version of BukkitInventoryTools and latest version of MySQL :

    2011-11-02 23:37:12 [INFO] [BukkitInventoryTools] MySQL Initializing
    2011-11-02 23:37:12 [INFO] [BukkitInventoryTools] MySQL connection successful
    2011-11-02 23:37:12 [INFO] [BukkitInventoryTools] Creating table BookPRERELEASE
    2011-11-02 23:37:12 [SEVERE] [BukkitInventoryTools]You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'force BOOLEAN, moved BOOLEAN, copy BOOLEAN, usecost INT)' at line 1
  11. Offline


    You dont use latest version of BIT.
  12. Offline


    Hm, i use BIT v 2.7.7 I think

    (Uploaded on 2 hours ago)
  13. Offline


    Please check it, because I have changed "BookPRERELEASE" to "Book" in Version 2.7.5, so I'm pretty sure that your version is older???
  14. Offline


    when i create a bookshelf i get disconnected from my server , the bookshelf is created after i reconnect i can open it tryed this a 3 time's firs there was no error but the client got
    => internal exeption :java.io.IOExeption: bad packet id 119
    sec time
    => ....Exeption: bad packet id 242
    third time
    =>.. :bad packet id 147
    tried it 4th time ...:bad packet id 45

    server log just says disc user

    2011-11-03 13:13:03 [INFO] varadrim [/] logged in with entity id 96 at ([world] -324.28125, 71.0, -8.65625)
    2011-11-03 13:13:04 [INFO] New max size: 484
    2011-11-03 13:13:04 [INFO] New max size: 784
    2011-11-03 13:13:04 [INFO] Reading data
    2011-11-03 13:13:04 [INFO] [Spout] Successfully authenticated varadrim's Spoutcraft client. Running client version:
    2011-11-03 13:13:28 [INFO] varadrim lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream

    using bukkitinv. 2.7.7 wich from the bukkitdev page

    do you think i forgot some setings or someting ??

    srr for my poor eng.
  15. Offline


    Please raise a Ticket here and send me some more about which version you use of Spout, SpoutCraft, Craftbukkit and if you use MySQL or SQLite.

    AND could you show me the log from the console, when you start your server, so I can see which plugins you use.
  16. Offline


    its working, when i was filling in the ticked i discovered that my spoutclient wasn't up 2 date

    :s silly me

    tnx for helping me out and tnx for da EPIC pluggin :p
  17. Offline


    Thats one of my reasons for asking you guys to make tickets, so Im sure that the versions is up to date, before I spend time on looking for bugs. I often see this error ;)
  18. These books. They don't work very well. With Spout version 517, Spoutcraft version 718, Craftbukkit 1337, and the BIT plugin that I downloaded, like, twenty minutes ago, the books work on-off. I dunno if it's something I missed, but I didn't see any additional steps to bookmaking when I came here.

    When I open a book to edit, I get the GUI as normal. I can write in it, but when I save, it says on the chat "Unknown command. Type 'help' for help." I looked around in the config file to see what command it tried to, and failed, to operate.

    This is what my chat burped out when operating the GUI.
    BITSpoutListener: Unknow button:null
    BITSpoutListener: Unknow button:null
    BITBookSpoutListener: Unknow button:null
    BITSpoutListener: Unknow button:null
    BITBookSpoutListener: Unknow button:null
    [Above is repeated several times]
    Unknown command. Type "help" for help.
    And the server console doesn't seem to output anything...

    But it also shows me the achievement toast that says "Book created". And sometimes the book retains it's contents, but far more frequently, it reverts to the last edit. But what I need to put in this book, I cannot really rewrite fifty times before it'll stick.

    Now, like I said, I dunno if I missed something on my way here, but I haven't seen any additional prerequisites to making books. If they exist, then put me out of my misery and let me know so I can be embarassed in private..
  19. Offline


    I didnt notice before now that Spout was updated. I have only tested BITBooks against Build 502 / SpoutCraft 718. So maybe that's why you are having troubles. The "BITBookSpoutListener: Unknow button:null" is either a bug or because Spout has been updated, but you should make a Ticket and then I will dig into this issue tonight when Im off work.

    Making a book is a standard Minecraft thing, you need the pieces of paper to make a book. Check this link. When you open the BITBook first time, you will only have 3 pages, but Im planning a feature so that the players will be able to add more pages to the book by adding new pages in the workbench. This is on my to-do-list.
  20. I know how to make a book! I'm the server host/admin. So I tried to both spawn a book (/i book 1) and craft a book (3 papers). Nothing worth doing. I noticed that the book only had three pages to it, but whenever I flipped the page, it would do so, but still give me the errors I described above.
    I'll submit a ticket, but I can't give you any more information without knowing what to look for or how to look for it.

    • Edit: Here you go. A ticket.
    • Second Edit: The problem is still there. I've edited the ticket instead of making a new one. It looks like the only change was to the filesize of the .jar. No apparent change in functionality/lack thereof.
    • Third Edit: To expediate the problem-solving as much as I can, I have created a video walkthrough of my recreating the problem.
    Here you go. Make from this what you can, and read the description.
  21. Offline


    I used to love this plugin so much, but now I am sad to see it include extra features that conflict with my other plugins, I use bookworm for books and bookshelves, and I like their implementation better for that, I wish not to use the book part of this, is there any way to turn it off?
  22. Offline


    What do you mean by that youve taken over the spoutbackpack mod? More importantly, when are you gonna get it working?
  23. Offline


    I don't think BIT conflicts with Bookworm, so why turn it off?

    I have imported SpoutBackpack into BIT and is working on it now! But it takes time, there is also many features in SpoutBackpack.

    I HOPE i will make it this weekend....

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  24. Offline


    Bookworm allows you to right click a bookshelf and read it, and this allows you to open a bookshelf instead. I would prefer only to be able to read the bookshelf. If there was some way to turn off BIT from taking over bookshelves, that would be perfect.
  25. Offline


    People read BOOKS not Bookshelfs :)
    People put BOOKS in Bookshelfs :)
    I think this is more logic!

    I will think about if I can make something which does not ruin my plugin - so it dont conflict with Bookworm.

    Can you only store ONE book in a bookshelf in Bookworm?
  26. Offline


    To begin with I love this addon. I just wondered if the copy function worked.

    Cause I tried to make a master copy of a book and put it in the bookshelf. I turned on the copy function in the hope people would just get a copy. But when someone takes out the book. The book will be gone from the bookcase entirely.
  27. Offline


    The 4 buttons does not work yet - I have to fix the bugs/tickets i have right now before adding new features. So no wonder why you cant make them work :)
  28. Offline


    Thanks for the feedback and to bad. Oh wel guess I will wait before I let my server go live
  29. Offline


    I need the ability to turn off:
    Double doors opening together, making mechanical sound, overriding lwc locks.
    Bookshelf storage.
    Spoutcraft users only locks.

    I only turned to this plugin due to the regular spout backpack being discontinued.
    But i can not keep it if it means i'll be forced to have all these features running as well. :/

    In the spout backpack i had a shared backpack for the main world, and the nether, but a separate backpack for creative, but i can not see this option anywhere in your version.
  30. Offline


    It is not possible to turn all this off... but you can turn some features off using permissions...

    AT the moment you can only share between world or not, but I understand your wish, so if you make a ticket I will make permissions like you had in the old Backpack, so you can share between some worlds but not in a creative world, where resources are unlimitied-..
  31. Offline


    I could have used the "false" ending to the perm node in bukkit perms, not seen the equivalent to it in PEX. May just be a miss on my side..
    And that would still not turn off the double door feature in your plugin which is overriding and confusing lwc locks tho. Or turn off the sound.
    I don't like having a ton of unused plugins which may conflict with other plugins, running in the background, so i guess i'll consider the part of it we loved, as lost.
    Thank you anyway and good luck on the development of your plugin.

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