Inactive [FUN] ZeldaChickens V2.01 edited as of june 22 - Chickens with attitude [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by icomeinpieces, May 29, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version: v2.01
    I understand that there are a few (at least) people that have been waiting very, very, very (you get the picture) patiently for a update to simply just work on the newer Bukkit versions. However, the new pathfinding code (from my understanding from researching) Mojang had put in some time ago is messing with one itty bitty piece of my code that just happens to literally run the whole show. the method in question that is being affected is the setTarget() method.

    So this is the deal, I can either wait a for a fix for this issue, or i can put in a ugly hack the will make the chickens fake run to you via teleporting really fast (like that won't stress some servers). the latter would be fairly easy to implement if not ugly to watch in game, but it could happen sooner then the actual issue getting resolved. leave a comment saying which direction you, my fans (i can say that right?) would like me to go. Cheers and Thanks for all the support so far.

    Volunteers anyone? I am looking for a few (prolly just 10 people) people to beta test my next version. Reason why I am asking is that my next version will have multi world support (among other things) and my server is not huge on wanting more then just the one world and I can only do so much to cause bugs to appear while testing by myself on my test server.
    Why, might you ask, do I not send this next version to the masses and go from there? well frankly I want to send out the new link via PM with the changelog and some notes concerning some things to keep in mind while testing and if i put it all in my Original Post, I doubt people will read it and then wonder why things don't work. <-- this section is on temporary strike till i can fix the above mentioned issue

    The whole purpose of this plugin is to allow chickens to get angry(or homicidal, depends on how you look at it), in much of the same manner as the chickens present on the Zelda games. The only difference here is the chickens can die. Every 2(default) attacks on chickens will spawn 10(default) right above you and will damage you 1(default heart per chicken that comes into contact with you. Also the chickens that spawn won't count towards the 2 attacks required to anger the swarm, allowing you a chance to defend yourself. This plugin was in response to this

    Config Instructions

    Show Spoiler
    * When the plugin is run for the first time it will generate a config file under [SERVER DIRECTORY]/plugins/ZeldaChickens/ZeldaChickens.cfg
    * The config file is written to upon server shutdown. save your changes to the config file after a server shutdown or saves your changes before server shutdown, use the zcreload command then preform a server shutdown (if needed to begin with)
    * the various settings available are explained in the generated file.

    * zc.chickenswarm - use this to allow users to get attacked by chicken swarms


    * Doesn't require permissions to be installed, defaults to OP restriction for admin commands and everyone for swarm attacks.
    * in game/console commands
    * Chickens spawn and attack you if you attack chickens enough times (configurable)
    * Chickens will catch up to you if you try to outrun them (even if you try teleporting somehow ex. compass) <-- configurable.


    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    Media concerning ZeldaChickens

    Show Spoiler
    a video made by Nazerb; thanks for the support. :)

    props for using rocketboots to showcase my plugin.
    i tested using worldguards compass teleport but not flying, so it was refreshing to see just how resilient they are to getting outrun. :p

    video made by VoidingNixx

    Coffee and food helps me code faster.

    * chickens will not swim after you under water only teleport after you
    * upon mob trigger, if player logs out any remaining chickens from the mob will vanish. (introduced intentionally to prevent abusive farming until a proper chicken re-targeting upon player re-login is figured out)
    * permissions dependency <-- fixing right now for next version
    * issue where only one swarm could be summoned at a time on a server
    * if you don't kill a chicken in the first strike a second strike on same/other chicken triggers the mob <--not so much a bug as an only option now at this point


    * Add the option to make spawned chickens, flaming chickens as suggested by KuroSnow
    * convert to yaml settings file
    * add option for custom messages and wither on off settings
    * add an option to cancel drops from spawned chickens
    * add command to spawn attacks onto players :) <-- new in version 2.0
    * Add option so that the plugin can trigger upon chicken death count and not just chicken hit
    * add option for chickens to keep chasing despite a respawn (death)
    * Possibly implement the ability for chickens to teleport closer if they are getting outrun
    * Permissions support to except specified people from getting attacked
    * Add configuration file to change:

    - * Damage from chickens
    * Amount of chickens spawned
    * How many need to get hit before the spawn event
    * others I have not thought of at this time

    * possible fix for a null pointer exception caused by a player dying without (and maybe with) a chicken swarm attacking said player while poofafterdeath option is set to false

    * permissions 3.x supported (might not work with permissions 2.7.4)
    * requires CB 860
    * fixed an issue where there was still some permissions dependance errors if permissions was not present
    * fixed bug that only allowed one swarm at a time on a server
    * admin permission nodes will default to OP in the absence of a permissions plugin
    * various small performance tweaks.
    * fixed bug that allowed players to contribute to a "pool" of chicken attacks and the last player to make a hit suffers the swarm (basically hot potato)
    * added various messages such as global messages for when a player angers the swarm, rate my messages and let me know what you think, pretty please ;)
    * added a few more info messages to help debugging for rare cases that don't actually cause the plugin to error out (print stacks)
    * made the chickens a little more aggressive when being outrun

    - * they now will spawn under any blocks that may be above you.
    * made chickens follow you under water and not drown. however due to a glitch, they will only follow by teleporting. it seems they do not know what to do while under water and just don't move at all at this point.
    - added commands:
    * zcswarmplayer:
    description: summons a swarm onto an unsuspecting player.
    usage: /<command>
    * zcswarmthyself:
    description: summons a swarm onto the player issuing the command.
    usage: /<command>
    * zcstate:
    description: toggles wither or not chicken spawning occurs or not. can set with options on or off
    usage: /<command>
    * zchelp:
    desciption: displays info on commands that a player is allowed to use
    * zeldachickens:
    description: gets information on zeldachicken commands
    usage: /<command>
    - added permission nodes for all commands:
    * zc.chickenswarm <-- people with this permission (or *) will be suceptable to attacks. those without are immune
    * zc.admin.reload <-- people with this permission have acces to the zcreload command
    * zc.admin.swarmplayer <-- allows the use of the swarmplayer command
    * zc.admin.swarmthyself <-- allows the use of the swarmthyself command
    * zc.admin.zcstate <-- allows the use of the zcstate command
    - various code clean ups (still loads to do, expect more updates as i clean up code, updates of this nature will be optional)

    Old News

    Show Spoiler
    * Removed permissions dependency <-- was incomplete fix
    * added config option "chickenHealth=[1 - 20]" defualt 4(normal health)
    * reworked some permissions issues concerning the zcreload command
    * reworked almost all the code to increase performance (please provide comments/opinions on this) and detection of certain conditions.

    * added a config option to allow chickens to re-acquire a killed target after said target respawns, this option is "poofAfterDeath=[false:true]" default false.

    * changed the permission node and how it acts on the plugin. the node now is zc.chickenswarm and when a group has this permission they will be susceptible to chicken swarms

    * added chicken catchup ability. chickens can now teleport closer to a player if they are getting outrun. the options for the config file are as follows

    - * catchUpEnabled=[true or flase] default: true (this defaults to true with new installs only)
    * maxOutRunDistance=[anything above 0.0] default: 4.0 (how far can a player get before they "catchUP"

    * added permissions support, use the node zc.swarmprotected to prevent people from getting attacked.

    * added config file for the following settings:

    - * chickenMobSize
    * chickenDamage
    * chickenHitsTrigger
    * chickenAttackRange
    * chickenSpawnHeight

    * Initial release
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2016
  2. Offline


    try what xsolar66 suggested, try with only that plugin working.
    what CraftBukkit build are you using? type version in the console if you dont know.
    I have never seen the kind of errors your seeing and as for the "advise author notice", the only thing i can think of is another plugin is trying to handle player joins and is messing with my plugin.
  3. Offline


    @icomeinpieces What happened to the plugin? No new updates for 1060 yet?
  4. Offline


    >09:03:11 [INFO] mrchickenkiller lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    >>09:03:11 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_QUIT to ZeldaChickens
      at com.icomeinpieces.ZeldaChickens.ZCPlayerListener.onPlayerQuit(
      at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
      at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
      at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.disconnect(
      at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
      at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
      at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
      at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
      at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    >09:03:15 [INFO] mrchickenkiller [/] logged in with entity id 2563931 at ([world] 102.08147920999465, 72.0, -555.568985961737)
    This shows up every time someone logs off, logs in.
    I used a freshly downloaded ZeldaChickens.jar on 1060 bukkit.

    I hope this gets fixed soon! It is one of the more fun things :D
  5. Offline


    Can you set the chicken damage to zero, so they just knock the player around?
  6. Offline


    @Nipper busy as hell school work other projects, mostly at this point trouble with trying to figure out how to work with YAML so that i can include comments and order the settings the way i want. that and trouble learning how to identify and eliminate resource leaks.

    @Xanadar it doesn't seem to be cropping up in my dev version and i'm using the the 1060 for testing, so this should be cleared up for you when i release my new version sooner or later

    @SaintWacko yes you can.
  7. Offline


    I can offer you a static link on my via my website, Uploading would take 2 steps, Upload File, (new name works best such as v2.02) then change the name of the re-directory. so the link could be
    :) Or what ever you please,
    Such as
    Contact me Via skype: xsharif50x
    Or MSN: [email protected] (no emails)
    email: [email protected]
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    would i be able to track how many downloads?
    would i be able to update an existing link with a new file?

    the only thing so that i have been able to find is but I have to pay a fee to get the ability to update a file for an existing link. otherwise without the fee it's business as usual.
  10. Offline


    About the github taking a long time to update, I've had this problem too but I think it has something to do with the br0wser cache. Because it's instantly updated for me when I clear my cache.
  11. Offline


    Nice work! If you still need volunteers, I'm willing to do it! :D
  12. Offline


    How about configuarable option that makes them vanish after a certain amount of time or if you manage to get far enough away from them?
  13. Offline


    Tracking downloads, I'd have to look for a script, But i can track page views.

    Yes, I've found the code to track downloads now.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  14. Offline


    i could retry that idea, i had emailed the github people and they told me it was something to do with the servers they host the downloads on, the servers tend to cache the download link for a long time.

    i could look into one or the other perhaps.

    would you mind if i take a look at that code? I'm only curious is all.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  15. Offline


    skype? i can provide sources. OR check out:
    ^^my plugin page
  16. Offline


    k i know i have not been very active lately, part in due to school. work, and a slow decline in interest in minecraft.

    however with the recent updates to minecraft, I have more or less abandoned my other games (borderlands, starcraft 2, and a few other steam games.) so in the next week roughly i should have an update if not sooner, that will (hopefully) address the memory leak some people were having. I have been talking to my java instructor that i had at SIAST and she enlightened me on some tricks i could try to squash that leak. i'll try and get rid of some other bugs along the way, so give me some more feed back with any issues with this plugin and the 1.8 recommended build. it shouldn't have any new issues but who knows. let me know if you do get bugs in the new RB version that were not present before.

    cheers and thnx for the support/feedback.
  17. Offline


    Since the update to 1.8, chickens have become kind of useful now, for a food source. Would you be willing to add an option for a 'chance on hit' to spawn the mobs, along with the 'number of hits' and allow the ability to use either one of these, or both? That would be excellent!
  18. Offline


    sounds like a good idea. even though the behavior of chickens in the zelda games was predictable, i think having a chance system would be interesting.

    i could also adapt the code to handle raw chicken drops just like it handles feathers to help prevent abusive farming.
  19. Offline


    hmmm it seems i have been so out of touch with craftbukkit that the permissions system i use is no longer around.
    i'll be adding permissionsBukkit support soon. till then a quick load of permissionsBukkit and the superPermsBridge plugins on my test server seems to indicate that that setup works for now.

    would anyone miss the in-game commands for changing settings?

    I want to make it so that any settings are locked in when the server starts so that i don't have to "save" the config file on exit. The reason i want to do this is because, i have had people complain that the yaml config file is out of order and undocumented (with comments). In order to correct this issue I have to stop making my plugin save the config file which in turn would prevent me from allowing changes to the file while in game. the compromise can be that if i allow the in game commands to stay, any changes done by said commands will NOT be saved to the file.

    send me your thoughts, comments, suggestions on this idea either through the posts here or to my inbox.
    any yaml help/advice would be apreciated.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  20. Offline


    I wouldn't miss the in-game stuff one bit. Less stuff to deal with anyhow... I'm a big fan of configure and leave be. ;)
  21. Offline


    It would appear that, while this plugin works with Minecraft v1.0.0 and Craftbukkit dev build 1532, it seems that chickens cannot hurt you. I know you're not officially supporting that yet, but it might be of some interest to you.
  22. Offline


    Not one bit. I hardly ever use in-game commands for config or reloading plugins unless forced to by the plugin. Much prefer to set it and forget it.

    Are you still developing this?
  23. Offline



    Can you make this plugin hook into RegionGuard/WorldEdit so that you can have region support?

    ie. Make it so this plugin will work for only chickens within a certain region. Maybe I have a chicken farm area on my server and want to discourage users from killing chickens there.
  24. Offline


    config says the chicken health can be from 1-20.
    After putting 8 , server gave an error saying it has to be from 1-4

    and for some reason the chickens don't do too much attacking - they like to push you around but didn't attack until I had wheat in my hands.
  25. Offline


    i realize i have been inactive for some time.
    with me being in full time studies and other commitments, it's been hard to get back into the swing of things.
    plus I kinda lost interest in minecraft, part due my friends ditching it for other games and part that i got sick of maintaining my servers, which was one of the reasons for me making a plugin.

    however I have regained my "youthful" vigor in seeing my creative talents flourish again, mostly due to the recent news that craftbukkit team is now working with Mojang to provide mod support for both server and client side modding (as i understand recent news).
    In response to that, I have loaded my servers up and wish to start programming plugins again.

    it will be a little while before i can release an update as this plugin is WWAAYY behind the times and is why it is not working worth crap right now. when i do release a new version i'll make a new place for it and link to it from here for people who have been watching this plugin.

    Again, i apologize for the lack of commitment on my part.
  26. Offline


    Look forward to it, this plugin was popular on my server
  27. Offline


    I loved the suprised look on peoples faces when they angered the chicken gods.....Lookin forward to it as well

    Welcome back :D
  28. Offline


    thanks guys.
    it's taking longer to fix up my plugin then i originally anticipated, much has changed since i first made this plugin.
    even the way i registered events with bukkit so i knew when a chicken died to trigger the swarm has changed. so it's almost in someways going through a full rewrite. luckily it was not an overly complicated thing to code.

    as i'm rewriting it, any suggestions on things to change/add/remove?
    i'll listen and try to respond to feedback as best i can.
  29. Offline


    good news/neutral news/bad news time

    good news: eclipse is no longer complaining of red squiggles in the code and the new bukkit server software is loading it

    neutral news: i stripped temporarily all commands from the plugin till other functionality is working, let me know if that is a big issue, i'll make it a higher priority to reinstate

    bad news: i can't seem to nail down an issue with bukkit not being able to pass an event critical to the plugin, ssoooo it's taking a while.

    if i can nail out the bad news i can have a beta version out for you guys to test.

    ok i nailed the bad news in my last post, however i think there was changes to the ENTITY.setTarget method in bukkit, the chickens no longer follow a target, though more likely it's my code. any one have any thoughts on the matter

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  30. Offline


    Good that you're providing news.

    Me and my friends are counting on you to finish this mod, because we've used your mod before and it was one of the best mods ever.

    Also about the commands being disabled: It's not really THAT big of an issue, but if I understood right you're going to re-enable them after the mod is working? And if you manage to fix everything else exept bugs with commands then could you release a temporary version like 2.015 or re-enable the commands in 2.03?

    Anyways thanks for the mod I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out and fix it. :)
  31. Offline


    Thanks its good to hear that people enjoyed my plugin. The support is great, it's pretty much the only reason I am doing this for free (that and keeping my skills sharp).

    as for commands VillEthemina, yes I will eventually reinstate commands. the big thing holding commands back right now is permissions really. transitioning from permissions 3.x to bukkit permissions is a bit of a pain, just needing to learn how to use bukkit version. once that is figured out, i can reinstate commands.

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