Inactive [FUN] SimpleSpleef v3.0.16 - Simple Spleef Plugin [RB 1.2.5][Vault][WorldEdit][WorldGuard]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by ronix, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    SimpleSpleef - Simple Spleefing:
    Version: v3.0.9

    SimpleSpleef has moved to a dev.bukkit page. Please look there for the most recent information!

    SimpleSpleef is not so simple anymore - many, many, many features in the plugin :)
    wallu33 and dabram71 like this.
  2. Offline


    Just created SimpleSpleef 1.4 - see dev.bukkit, please :)
  3. Offline


    What about multiworld support? Is it possible to have a dedicated world only for spleef games? And how does that affect the other worlds? For example when I activate "restore_blocks_after_game", will the blocks changed in another world during a game be resettet, too? I'm asking this because I want to offer spleef games besides all other server activities like survival or creative building.
  4. Offline


    Yes, the blocks of all players taking part in the game will be resetted, no matter on which world they are on.

    In SimpleSpleef 2.0 I play to support arenas which can be made world specific.
  5. Offline


    Ok, and when I set the permissions for spleef only for one world, what happens when a player manages to leave this world during a game or while he is in the list of available players? Does he get unlisted when he lacks the permission nodes because of the world change?
  6. Offline


    Does this really happen in your games? Honestly, I never really had this problem and it seems rather academic ;-) What does work is that you can set the permissions per world to join and everything. The game does not check if players change the world after they joined.

    In version 2.0, I plan a system similar to the one used in MobArena: People get teleported to the gaming lounge, can start the game and get teleported back after the game. If you plan your arenas accordingly, players will not easily be able to get out... (iron doors and stuff helps).
  7. Offline


    I don't know if this could happen, I only wanted to make sure that the resetting of blocks etc. doesn't affect the players that don't participate in the spleef games.
    I'm totally looking forward to the gaming lounge thing, sounds quite awesome if it works similar to MobArena. And btw: good job coding this plugin here :)
  8. Offline


    it would be GREAT if you could make the chat spam only go to people playing. cuz its spams everyone :/

    oh, and I dont know if this is a bug or not, but with SS1.4, CB1185,

    the winner will ALWAYS get a random item. even if i use the ingame commands to set the 1 time prize.

    here is my config.

    lang: en
    giveprizes: false
    entryfee: 25
    prizemoney_fixed: 0
    prizemoney_perplayer: 20
    players_get_shovel: false
    players_loose_shovel: false
    shovel_item: 273
    dead_players_leavegame: true
    also_loose_in_lava: true
    restore_blocks_after_game: false
    teleport_players_to_first: true
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  9. Offline


    Please write a ticket on dev.bukkit...

    This is a bug, indeed. Please post a ticket and I will set it on the agenda to fix it :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  10. Offline


    Can you make it so that the arena get's restored like 1 or 2 seconds after the game is ended? Because in my enthousiasm I break blocks to win the game, I win the game, and then I break some more blocks in that split second. :)

    And indeed I cannot disable prizes... as stated above.
  11. Offline


    Good point! Added ticket to dev.bukkit.
  12. Offline


    Released Version 1.5. Changes:
    • Wait 2 seconds before rebuilding blocks after the game finishes (thanks to Gwynei).
    • Actually consider giveprize when giving out prizes (thanks mineHAVOC).
  13. Offline


    it's where two (or more) people go on a arena with 1 layer of snow for a floor and lava under the arena and you have to make the other person/people fall into the lava with you shovel and no hiting anyone you have to destroy the block beneth them and if you win you might get a prize from the server owner and get to see the other person die (you'll see that no mater what).
  14. Offline


    Uploaded Version 1.6. SimpleSpleef now supports many economy plugins, since it now uses AllPay. Yes, iConomy, Boseconomy, EssentialEconomy, whatever is supported!
  15. Offline


    ronix likes this.
  16. Offline


    Yes, that is true - I have seen this in MobArena and will look at their code.
  17. Offline


    Problem. Can you explain how to set permissions so only Admins can create or make the first "join"?.
  18. Offline


    Saw your ticket on dev.bukkit - replied to it already :)
  19. Offline


    Exactly what I mean't.

    Thank you for the fast replys! :D
  20. Offline


    Exiting things are happening!

    Version 1.7 implements spawn points and simple arena definitions. Right now, only one arena may be defined. Please test and report any bugs in the dev.bukkit ticker (link above in description of SimpleSpleef).
  21. Offline


    The ticket is 'fixed'. What are the permissions for only who has permissions can create first join?
  22. Offline


    Ah, sorry, forgot to put those to the documentation:

    simplespleef.initialize Join dog-eats-dog command (initialize game).
    simplespleef.initializeteam Join team commands (initialize game).

    Thanks for reminding me!
  23. Offline


    Am I doing this right? I gave group only simplespleef.initialize
    and others can still use it.
  24. Offline


    Could you post the relevant part of your permissions? Then I can have a look :)
  25. Offline


            default: false
                prefix: '&4[Admin] '
                suffix: ':&e'
                build: true
                - '*'
                - 'simplespleef.initialize'
    thought giving that permission would drop the permissions from all players, but I guess I was wrong.
  26. Offline


    Hm, what permission system do you use? In PermissionsBukkit it would be:

                simplespleef.initialize: true
            - user
    Something along that line.
  27. Offline


    Right now its permissions 2 I believe. We are upgrading to PermissionsEX soon though.
  28. Offline


    No "old" permissions plugin support anymore - just uses Bukkits new permissions support (the built-in one since RB 1060). I would recommend changing this soon!
  29. Offline


    Why can't i select an area with /spleef admin arenaa? I only get the commands list.. I do have permissions.
  30. Offline


    My bad - the commands are /spleef admin a and /spleef admin b. Sorry!
  31. Offline


    No problems. Thanks.

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