Inactive [FUN] Search and Destroy v1.2 - A 2 Team war plugin [1.4.2-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by derEntenpopel, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Search and Destroy
    Search and Destroy is a game with 2 Teams.
    Team 1 (Default: Blacklist) tries to place a bomb on special place.
    Team 2 (Default: Globalrisk) tries to kill Team Blacklist or to defuse the Bomb.

    Download: Click Here! | Version: 1.2.5 | MC: 1.4.2 | CB: 1.4.2-R0.2
    Old Versions: here
    Changelog: here
    BukkitDev: here

    1. Copy the SandD.jar into your Plugin folder and restart the server.
    2. Open the Config.yml form the SandD folder and configure the Plugin. (Config.yml)
    3. Reload or Restart your server.
    4. Set team-spawnpoints with /s.d setup <teamname>.
    5. Set the bombplace with /s.d setup A. (and if you want set bomb B with /s.d setup B)
    6. Finish
    1. All Users who wants to play type /s.d join <Teamname>.
    2. An Op starts the game with /s.d start. Or if in the config.yml is "startpervote = true" the players can start the game with /s.d vote or /s.d ready.
    3. Now the player with the bomb tries to place that on the market place. He has to stand 10sec (Configurable) on the Obsidian to place the bomb. Team Blacklist (Configurable) have safe him. Team Globalrisk have to kill team Blacklist or defuse the bomb. To defuse the bomb one player from team Globalrisk has right click the bomb then he mustn't move 10sec (Configurable).
    4. If the bomb is exploded team Blacklist wins the game. If the bomb is defused team Globalrisk wins the game.

      Thanks to JummyCake
    /s.d Start........................Start a Game
    /s.d join <Team>..........Join a Team
    /s.d leave.......................Leave the Game
    /s.d setup A/B................Create the Bombplace
    /s.d setup <Team>.........Create the Spawn for <Team>
    /s.d setup door <Team>.Set a Join-Portal.
    /s.d ready......................Set your state to ready(if startpervote is true)
    /s.d vote.........................The same as /s.d vote
    /s.d help.........................Shows the s.d help
    /s.d ?..............................The same as /s.d help

    If you want to use permissions you need Vault.
    Supported Permssion Plugins:
    - EssentialsGroupManager
    - Permissions 3
    - bPermissions
    - PermissionEx
    - PermissionsBukkit
    - zPermissions

    sandd.start........../s.d start
    sandd.join.........../s.d join <Team>
    sandd.setup ......./s.d setup A/B
    ________......../s.d setup <Team>
    sandd.admin......all Commands

    This Plugin is using Vault
    This means if you want to use:
    • Permissions
    • Fee
    • Rewards
    Vault must be installed on your server.

    Deutsche Version? Klicke Hier!
  2. Offline


    Sounds cool. I may try it out.
  3. Offline


    can you send me a feedback please
  4. Offline


    Suggestion: Make it so an op doesn't have to start the game, players can use /s.d vote - once a configurable percentage of players in the game have voted, it begins.

    Also, make it so that you can define multiple arenas. Back in the game lobby, players can vote on the arena they want next (one of two, randomly created). For example, I have 10 arenas. A game ends.

    Players see this in chat:
    Vote using /vote (ID)
    cs_dust - 1
    cs_office - 2

    The map with the most votes wins, and the players are teleported to that map when the game automatically begins.
  5. Offline


    Nice Idea i will add it to the next update.

    Nice idea again, i wont add it next but i keep it in mind.
  6. Offline


    Thanks man, this plugin is really cool. I may get around to testing it and get back to you on the functionality :)
  7. Offline


    I will test it tonight and give a lot of feedback. This plugin seems promising.
  8. Offline


    [quote uid=67172 name="derEntenpopel" post=1200441]Nice Idea i will add it to the next update.

    Nice idea again, i wont add it next but i keep it in mind.[/quote]

    Tested... Seems to work very well. Will report back with bugs, etc.


    1. If all players leave when a bomb is planted, the TNT remains there.
    2. I have gone ahead and fixed all grammar in the configuration file, I know you are foreign. Please add this to the next, official version of the plugin. Download: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    3. I have recieved some other minor NPE's. For example, players should stay on a team until they use the /s.d leave command. Players are losing their teams after every match.

    Neat Suggestions List:

    1. Make it so an op doesn't have to start the game, players can use /s.d vote - once a configurable percentage of players in the game have voted, it begins.
    2. Make it so that this plugin supports multiple arenas. Commands are very little changed, simply change to /s.d create (arenaname)... All of the rest are like /s.d setup Blacklist (arenaname), /s.d setup Globalrisk (arenaname) /s.d setup a (arenaname), /s.d setup b (arenaname).
    3. Add arena cycling. Back in the spawn, players can vote on the arena they want next (one of two, randomly created). For example, I have 10 arenas. A game ends.

    Players see this in chat:
    Vote using /vote (ID)
    cs_dust - 1
    cs_office - 2

    The map with the most votes wins, and the players are teleported to that map when the game automatically begins.
    4. Players don't lost their teams after every match, their team stays with them until they leave the server or they use /s.d leave
    5. Players inventory is automatically wiped (cleared) when they attempt to join a team.
    6. Ability to set a time limit, if the limit runs out the Team Blacklist loses.
    7. Make it so that the bomb is planted by right clicking and holding right click on the bomb block.

    I will donate $10 for these features, and an awesome plugin :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2016
  9. Offline


    [quote uid=90581069 name="TheFluffey" post=1200581]
    1. If all players leave when a bomb is planted, the TNT remains there.
    Will be fixed in next version.
    [quote uid=90581069 name="TheFluffey" post=1200581]
    2. I have gone ahead and fixed all grammar in the configuration file, I know you are foreign. Please add this to the next, official version of the plugin. Download: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Thank you very much i will implement it right now.
    [quote uid=90581069 name="TheFluffey" post=1200581]
    3. I have recieved some other minor NPE's. For example, players should stay on a team until they use the /s.d leave command. Players are losing their teams after every match.
    will be configurable.
    [quote uid=90581069 name="TheFluffey" post=1200581]
    1. Make it so an op doesn't have to start the game, players can use /s.d vote - once a configurable percentage of players in the game have voted, it begins.
    Will be added to.
    [quote uid=90581069 name="TheFluffey" post=1200581]
    2. Make it so that this plugin supports multiple arenas. Commands are very little changed, simply change to /s.d create (arenaname)... All of the rest are like /s.d setup Blacklist (arenaname), /s.d setup Globalrisk (arenaname) /s.d setup a (arenaname), /s.d setup b (arenaname).
    3. Add arena cycling. Back in the spawn, players can vote on the arena they want next (one of two, randomly created). For example, I have 10 arenas. A game ends.

    Players see this in chat:
    Vote using /vote (ID)
    cs_dust - 1
    cs_office - 2

    The map with the most votes wins, and the players are teleported to that map when the game automatically begins.

    I will add it but not to the next update, this will need more time.
    [quote uid=90581069 name="TheFluffey" post=1200581]

    5. Players inventory is automatically wiped (cleared) when they attempt to join a team.
    No, if i would clear the inv of joining players they will lose all their Items. I dont want that.
    [quote uid=90581069 name="TheFluffey" post=1200581]
    6. Ability to set a time limit, if the limit runs out the Team Blacklist loses.
    will be added next.
    [quote uid=90581069 name="TheFluffey" post=1200581]
    7. Make it so that the bomb is planted by right clicking and holding right click on the bomb block.
    I can try it but i think it isnt posible.
    [quote uid=90581069 name="TheFluffey" post=1200581]
    I will donate $10 for these features, and an awesome plugin :D

    A Nice Bug report, Thank you very very much
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2016
  10. Offline


    By number 7, I mean make planting the same as diffusing. So you don't have to stand on the bomb.

    Also, you need to make it so that when the bomb is planted the regular game time freezes until the bomb is defused or explodes.

    More bugs:
    1. On win from bomb exploding, you are returned to your spawn in-game, instead of the world spawns.
    2. On any time of win/lose the player should be teleported back to the spawn.
  11. Offline


    Thanks, i will work on it.
  12. Offline


    Also, the game doesn't end when one team is eliminated...
  13. Offline


    Waiting for all updates, only without it
    "Players see this in chat:
    Vote using /vote (ID)
    cs_dust - 1
    cs_office - 2"

    looks bad.. ;s
  14. Offline


    How is it bad? It makes completely automated cycling of arenas. If you don't like it, maybe he can make an option to turn it off, but it seems like automation is definitely something that will benefit admins.
  15. Offline


    New Version is finish, you can download it now
  16. Offline


    NPE where game won't start on vote nor /s.d start

    Edit: Cause of this NPE is that you need doors or it won't work.

    1. When trying to place the bomb, even if you don't move the number doesn't count down:
    2. Join portals/doors do nothing when you walk through them.
  17. Offline


    Sorry, this is my first plugin on, i only forget it.

    You have to reset the spawn locations of the teams, then it should work.
    Hmmm, at my server it works:
    You have to restart/reload the Server after setup the door, this is only a bug i will fix it.

    Thank you for testing :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  18. Offline


    Alrighty, once arena cycling has been added (Screw voting on the next map, make it automatically choose the next arena) I will be ready to play:

    1. Add support for multiple arenas.
    2. Add an "automatic" mode where arenas cycle through.
  19. Offline


    Approved SanD :p
  20. Offline


    Thank you very mouch :p
  21. Offline


    Sorry. This just bothered me immensely. Under the permissions area it says "Supportet Permssion Plugins" instead of "Supported Permssion Plugins" :p
  22. Offline


    is fixed, thank you :D
  23. 1.Is there a way to Like give the 2 teams different armor?
    Blacklist: Diamond Armor
    Globalrisk: Gold Armor

    2. Is there a was to add lvls to the game.
    When you hit someone your exp bar goes up.
  24. Offline


    In the next version it will be posible to set the teams a block on the head like

    Blacklist: Black wool
    Globalrisk: White wool

    This is a very good idea, i will add it next, thnak you :D
  25. Offline


    Awesome. Automation and leveling seem very good, also the wool blocks do as you can identify enemies and teammates.
  26. Thx Very Much. Its becuz i already installed the plugin on my server and it would be nice!

    I Uploaded A Torturial About This Plugin On Youtube.

    You May Ad it on the topi of the plugin.

    Server is If you wonna test the plugin

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  27. Offline


    Thank you very much, of course i add it :D
  28. Np :D

    I made new maps on my server for the search and destroy.

    On 1 map I got 2 teams (Notch and Jeb)
    but is it possible to get different team on each map?

    Map1: Notch and Jeb
    Map2: Dogs and Cats
    Map3: Tissue and Glue

    (teams are just invented :p)

    And When we start The Map

    Team 'Notch' can kill his own teammates --'

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  29. Offline


    Could you make it to where games automatically restart after the game ends, instead of having an OP manually do it? And have a configurable wait time before it starts after each restart? This would be an amazing feature.

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