Inactive [FUN/RPG] MyWolf - Take a wolf on a leash

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Keyle, May 4, 2011.

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  1. MyWolf
    take a wolf on a leash

    Moved to BukkitDev:
  2. hm... komisch . .. hassu vllt keine Permissions um das Inventar zu benutzten???
    und mit dem Inventar... xD jedes mal wenn der Wolf die "Inventory" Fähigkeit bekommt wird das Inventar 9 Slots größer, bis maxiamal 54 Slots d.h. die Fähigkeit sollte maximal 6 mal vorkommen^^ einfach nen paar mal aus der Config löschen^^ is ja leicht übertrieben wie oft du HP da drinn hasst xD ich sollte vllt nen Unterparameter einbauen in der man die Anzahl eingeben kann xD

    ne kb das nomma auf englisch zu schreiben^^

    I think i will create a colorfull template (transparent layer with chestpositions for gimp/photoshop) for the chest
    so everyone will be able to add the chest to every texturepack

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  3. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    I didn't forget the chests.. I just didn't know what color to make them... I'll do it now :p
    Edit: Personally I think my wolf-skin would look better without... but I'll still see what it's like added :p
    Edit2: I've added a second texture pack to the jar folder... you can feel free to edit the chests to whatever you think suits.. I can't come up with anything x.x...
    Edit3: Actually I kinda like the black chests... Could you have "Fruffy" over his head as part of your "photoshop"? :3 and text style.. I like Comic Sans Ms...

    Thanks in advance,
    Marcos Cosmos
  4. Offline


    musste ja nicht xD
    ja wäre villeicht von vorteil, oder ne eigene cfg datei für die level
    - MyWolf.Skills.Inventory.9
    - MyWolf.Skills.Inventory.18
    - MyWolf.Skills.Inventory.27
    - MyWolf.Skills.Inventory.36
    - MyWolf.Skills.Inventory.45
    - MyWolf.Skills.Inventory.54
    das hab ich hergegeben

    ehm wird das "Inventory" von dem vorigen level übernommen?
  5. naja ein - MyWolf.Skills.Inventory.* sollte da reichen wennu eh alle haben kannst
    und ja es sollte einfach nur größer werden
  6. Offline


    Hey, i've tried something, what do you think?

  7. Offline


    Nun geht /wi

    aber mit /wb kann ich nichts ändern da steht dass ich das nicht switchen kann
    warum ich hab doch das für lvl 5 vergeben und der ist 5

    und er hebt keine items auf
  8. Offline


    du kannst versuchen, es nicht doppelt zu schreiben, der wolf behält die sachen von alten levels, also musst du nur INSGESAMMT 6 mal inventory einmal pickup und einmal behavior und einmal control benutzen.
    vielleicht hilft das ;)
  9. Schreib pickup mal bitte groß -> Pickup
    bzw alle Skills großschreiben

    und ich glaube es wär nich schlecht wieder zum englischen zu wechseln oder inner conversationweiterzuschreiben :p
  10. Offline


    Also so?

    dann plz schreib das doch in deiner Skillvorstellung groß^^
    joa ka^^

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  11. werd es im plugin ändern damit mandie skills auch klein schreiben KANN
  12. Offline


    wer zum Teufel ist mandie? xD joke
  13. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Its good! xD... Only I decided to invert the colors on the wolf... suits my char.png closer... I tried to do it last night but mum turned off my net ><. Uhm, would you mind redoing it? D;
    Marcos Cosmos
  14. Offline


    Marcos Cosmos

    no i was using both the plugin for build 1000 and the spout for 1000. -.- and since you have a problem with me this will be the last time i'll be addressing you.
  15. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Look... post on the Spout thread, there's many other people there with your problem. It IS a valid problem but no one here can help you x.x.
  16. Offline


    i have been using this mod since the beginning and its one of the most used mods on my server. i love this mod, but is there anyway to just give them 20 hp from the start and not leveling the wolf up?
  17. Offline


    use level1 in the config
    you can change the '2' to whatever level you want, if you change it to 1 every wolf has this from start
  18. Offline


    i have tried that it hasn't done anything, i am not the best at configuration but i am experienced with it. thanks for the consideration but do i add a level 1 in the config or change 2 to 1 and add -HP
  19. Offline


    I don't really know if 1 works, but i've added levels until 100 and they were working, so i thought, this could help you :D
    @Keyle feature-request for level 1 wolfs ;)
  20. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    @Keyle - feature ideas? ;) in particularly the ability for wolves to feed themselves in hunter mode :D (Feature Request)
    And, damage resistances would be nice too :D.. (particularly fire, heh), maybe you can give it an item that reduces fire damage or another damage for a given number of hits? :D

    @Zudo I believe that levelsystems can be disabled. Which would allow for skills that the wolf has by default rather than as they level. But I'm not exactly sure how. you'll have to ask @Keyle for that info :\

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  21. Offline


    I make damage when i use my string on my wolf. :/
  22. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Then the plugin isn't enabled right or your permissions are messed up. (it's obscure, I can't remember how to fix it but @Kostronor mentioned a solution. Make sure your using CB 1000. Is there an error log? :p

    @Kostronor I take it doing that screenie for me was too much hassle to repeat? xD

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  23. Offline


    no, it was not :D
    but actually there are three different texture-packs, which one should i use for the screenshot?
  24. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Good question.... Now it should be clear ;)
  25. Offline


    What's 'bout this:
  26. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Yuppers, pretty much.. Only I dislike orange.. BUT I'm pretty sure I can handle that myself. (will update if I fail).

    *updates* Can you make it a grey-ish color?

    *pokes @Kostronor * oops, forgot to tag you xD

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  27. Offline


    sure, thats is easy as pie :p
    If you want any other color, just tell the hex-code ;)
  28. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    kk, thanks good xD thanks again :3

    @Kostronor Heh, I feel kinda dumb not relising before but. Well, wouldn't it be better to have the name in the image as the actual over-head name in-game rather than photo-shopped? photo-shopping kinda makes it seems as though you can't really have over-head names kinda..

    Sorry to bother you like this :(

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  29. Offline


    I would have done this thought, but sadly, Spoutcraft client does not allow modding, so i can only show the chests with the normal minecraft-client who does not allow to show the name over the head,
    you have to chose one of these two :p
  30. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    ... I'm going to put a txt doc in the jar folder.. read it :3
  31. Offline


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