Inactive [FUN/RPG] MyWolf - Take a wolf on a leash

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Keyle, May 4, 2011.

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  1. MyWolf
    take a wolf on a leash

    Moved to BukkitDev:
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            - HP
            - HP
            - HP
            - HP
            - Behavior
            - Inventory
            - Inventory
            - HP
            - HP
            - HP
            - HP
            - HP
            - HP
            - Inventory
            - Inventory
            - HP
            - HP
            - HP
            - Inventory
            - HP
            - HP
            - HP
            - HP
            - Inventory
            - Pickup
            - HP
            - HP
    this is my config.

    is it work?

    EDIT : ok. mywolf reached LV2. but he just +1 hp and no inventory, behavior.
    that means config doesnt work.
    How can I set it..

    why I cant call MyWolf properly?(/wc)

    It occurs when I respawn or teleport.
    (Means long distance from MyWolf.)

    I always have to go nearly and call it.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  3. Offline


    requiring the sprout plugin sucks -.- this plugin messes up my mini mod even when i dont have the client portion of sprout installed >.< also it messes up the inventory all together. when i pick items up they show as invisible blocks. it only shows what the things are when i open the inventory and drag something to drop.
  4. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    @alfskan your config is missing many things, but the other files may be chorrupt as a result. I suggest you delete the mywolf folder in the plugins folder. This will reset it to the default settings.. don't change them unless you are confident you know how to do it correctly, thats all I can tell you with so little information.

    @Tealk type /wi or /wolfinventory in the chat. If that fails try deleting the mywolf folder as I explained to aflskan.

    @both: please thoroughly read the first post before asking questions in future.

    @Keyle I don't see mention of the wiki in the first post? If it's on the documentation github you should probably add another link to the wiki section itself so everyone knows it exists.. and have you created a Frequently Asked Questions list yet? Would be good for pointing to so we don't have to explain the silly things that noobs often ask about every time they ask XD
    Just a suggestion ^^

    *Running out of things to put here*,
    Marcos Cosmos
  5. >.< too many lazy people don't do that
    Will add a notice to the first post @home (IE7 @work destroys the formatting >.<)
    and a FAQ is a nice idea :D
  6. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Well that is extremely perplexing.. that inventory problem is Not spout's fault. However, the spoutcraft client 1.0.1 doesn't support all hd textures properly.. so until this is fixed you shouldn't try to use hd textures, fonts, etc with spoutcraft.

    Anyway your problem seems to be purely a display one, so I suggest you do a force update in the vanilla client then re-install your mods.. and no, there is No way to have mywolves without spout, sorry :/..

    What do you mean by 'mini mod' btw?

    Perplexed puppy is perplexed?,
    Marcos Cosmos

    Sadly, I know they don't.. but with a thorough FAQ list we can quote from list, or just flatly refuse to answer questions that are included in it.^^;, oh btw, I quite proficient in html and css, as well as a few javascript cheats.. if your looking to do any custom pages or layouts etc in relation to this. Though I would think you would be fairly good with web layouts already if you'be learnt an actual Programming language.. o.o

    Seems quite the nerdy furry now?,
    Marcos Cosmos

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  7. Offline


    ment mini map for minecraft. something that influenced the map item notch put into minecraft.
    and your post might have applied to my problem, if i was even using the sprout client. I refuse to use a client mod that disabled all my other mods. this reason i don't need to do a forced update. By not using the client mod and only using the server mod, i am able to have my toomanyitems on my build map, and my mini map on my survival map.

    however, sprout messes up the mini map by not loading the surrounding chunk. it makes the world look extremely horrible too because I can visually see the drop off point now. its like when a server lags and chunks take awhile to load. except after hours the chunks dont load until you walk into them. -.- in the mini map it only lets it load 1-4 chunks at a time instead of filling the mini map gui it just fills the very center. -.- only loading the surrounding chunk when i walk into them >.<.

    Also it is not an issue with the textures because making items drop make the items become visible. if it was a texture issue it wouldn't show up even then, or would show up as a white box. if spout has issues with hd textures then their is definitely no way in **** i'll be using it. bad enough I had to switch from 128by128 textures down to 64by64 textures because notch broke the game more making the game constantly run out of memory even when its being given 2 gigs of memory. -.-
    Both issues are resolved by simply removing the sprout jar. and since this is a server sided mod, it shouldn't even need the client portion of spout.
  8. Offline


    because this isnt in the wolf help list
  9. Offline


    Works fine, just this error:
    2011-08-16 23:34:34 [SEVERE] Could not pass event CUSTOM_EVENT to MyWolf
    java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: All audio files must be ogg vorbis, wav, or midi type
        at org.getspout.spout.sound.SimpleSoundManager.playCustomFile(
        at org.getspout.spout.sound.SimpleSoundManager.playCustomSoundEffect(
        at org.getspout.spout.sound.SimpleSoundManager.playGlobalCustomSoundEffect(
        at org.getspout.spout.sound.SimpleSoundManager.playGlobalCustomSoundEffect(
        at de.Keyle.MyWolf.Listeners.MyWolfLevelUpListener.onLevelUp(
        at de.Keyle.MyWolf.event.LevelUpListener.onCustomEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at de.Keyle.MyWolf.Skill.MyWolfExperience.addEXP(
        at de.Keyle.MyWolf.Listeners.MyWolfEntityListener.onEntityDeath(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.q(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.die(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.damageEntity(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityMonster.damageEntity(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityWolf.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityCreature.c_(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityWolf.c_(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.v(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityWolf.v(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.m_(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityWolf.m_(
        at net.minecraft.server.World.entityJoinedWorld(
        at net.minecraft.server.WorldServer.entityJoinedWorld(
        at net.minecraft.server.World.playerJoinedWorld(
        at net.minecraft.server.World.cleanUp(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    It prints out a Msg_Inventory to the player and this error when your wolf levels up.
    Hope to get it fixed, but awesome plugin!
  10. Offline


    I gots the same error as that guy above me ^^^
  11. Offline


    Still having the same issue; no error in the console. Dog repeatedly resets itself back to low health after a set amount of time regardless of activity.
  12. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    You have misunderstood me... first of all, your problem is Not a fundemental flaw in spout.
    I was merely suggesting that there may have been a glitch when your mods were compiled. So you should try cleaning and remodding your minecraft.. compiling glitches happen even with plugins designed to depend on client mods, and reinstallation steps to take in fixing a bug in any program, or even operating system. so dont bother saying it doesnt work until u have tried.

    Secondly, your problem is with spout not mywolf so it doesn't belong on this forum.

    But most importantly. spout makes it very clear that it will not be creating its own mod support, AND that it Will strive to replace manual mods with plugins that will be more efficient, usable and compatible.

    And besides that, vanilla minecraft will most likely have mojang-based mod support before the official end of beta in november (check notch's blog). So that will automatically add mod support to spoutcraft.

    All in all, your posts are pointless, ignorant, agressive and warrant reporting.(this is your warning to stop)
  13. Offline


    Got this error when my wolf leveled up, too. Something to do with the Spout sounds, I gather. Don't know why; the whistle sound for when you call them works fine.

    02:18:09 [SEVERE] Could not pass event CUSTOM_EVENT to MyWolf
    java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: All audio files must be ogg vorbis, wav
    , or midi type
            at org.getspout.spout.sound.SimpleSoundManager.playCustomFile(SimpleSoun
            at org.getspout.spout.sound.SimpleSoundManager.playCustomSoundEffect(Sim
            at org.getspout.spout.sound.SimpleSoundManager.playGlobalCustomSoundEffe
            at org.getspout.spout.sound.SimpleSoundManager.playGlobalCustomSoundEffe
            at de.Keyle.MyWolf.Listeners.MyWolfLevelUpListener.onLevelUp(MyWolfLevel
            at de.Keyle.MyWolf.event.LevelUpListener.onCustomEvent(LevelUpListener.j
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.jav
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.j
            at de.Keyle.MyWolf.Skill.MyWolfExperience.addEXP(
            at de.Keyle.MyWolf.Listeners.MyWolfEntityListener.onEntityDeath(MyWolfEn
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.jav
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.j
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.q(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.die(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.damageEntity(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityMonster.damageEntity(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityWolf.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityCreature.c_(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityWolf.c_(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.v(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityWolf.v(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.m_(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityWolf.m_(
            at net.minecraft.server.World.entityJoinedWorld(
            at net.minecraft.server.WorldServer.entityJoinedWorld(
            at net.minecraft.server.World.playerJoinedWorld(
            at net.minecraft.server.World.cleanUp(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
  14. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Ok, first of all, with your health issue, I don't think that is a glitch or bug - Remember that HP is effected by the config of MyMolf and that the Maximum health is dependent on this configuration. (Though I'm not Exactly sure what the minimum HP is, as in, I don't know whether a wolf has just 1 or 2 health if there is only one HP entry is the leveling configuration) but in any case, what your experiencing is not really a bug: It's just that the plugin changes the health gauge of wolves without changing the ratios or indicators used to determine tail-height for the wolf itself.

    That's not to say that it can't be fixed. Although we might have to wait for improvements to Bukkit or Spout.
    @Keyle Is it possible to fix up the tail health-indications with Bukkit and Spout as they are? If so... ^--- Feature Request! ;)

    @Toast(And everyone, so please read this before posting the error): I believe that may be an error in the currect version of spout and not in MyWolf, since the client-side output is fine. However don't take my word for it, I expect @Keyle will confirm or deny it soon. But I thought I'd raise the question, and respond so that no one else feels the need to re-post it. ^^;, not that you've done anything wrong in re-posting it, - He explained what it is, (his fault, will be fixed), see the next post for more information. Also and it seems not going to cause many real problems :)

    Also @Keyle I, for some reason last night thought of a whole bunch of features to request to you, though some (or most) are quite large, complex, hard and would be large additions that take the plugin in a new direction. So I understand any reluctance or refusal to implement them:
    • Wolves for NPCs
      • Maybe using MobDisguise to allow wolves to be used as NPCs?
    • Clan/RPG/Faction/War features like:
      • Truces: Wolves won't won't attack specified players, NPCs or groups when they, or their owners are attacked, even in PVP zones,
      • Alliances: Wolves attack to defend players other than owners, and their wolves if possible, in PVP zones.
      • These two features would make wolves a good substitute for Citizen Guards, which are still for testing only or something.. not an essential aspect but still good I guess?
      • Wild-wolf clans/factions, (though I understand that this isn't really within the idea of a MyWolf, this forum still seems the best place to bring it up :D)
    • Informative/Name/Texture/Skinning features:
      • Additional customization to the wolf-name, (Edit: skin, since the new spout makes it possible!), similar to the kinds of customization available in PlayerEditor?, only with the option to continue to display the health with name colour as we do now. :D
      • A permanent on-screen display of MyWolf health, level etc (like SpoutWallet works for economies?)
      • Custom skins for MyWolves: If & When Spout provides mob-skinning support I trust you'll implement that to do the Spout 1.0.2 is out! and custom skins per-entity has been added! - You could use this to make a substitute custom skin for the wolf-chest mod right?:p... You were the one who did the Spout feature request for it right Keyle? (Mentioning this for the benefit of everyone wondering about the Wolf-Chest mod)
      • If possible for the above mentioned features, if they get implemented, clan, group, or even region based wolf-skinning, etc.
    • Ability to ride/mount wolves
      • Maybe make it possible to automatically jump up single-block walls.
      • Maybe better control of the wolves movement while mounted (they would move somewhat like when you direct them to a position with string? I never really looked at how they move when given co-ordinates.), not sure about the method of control while mounted though probably standard awsd/arrow keys.
      • Maybe better combat while mounted? (Wolves fight while you mount them, though you could both take damage and both respawn when either dies, or just depend on either you, or your wolf's health... maybe configurable?)
        • Item use while riding might be disabled or restricted to ranged items like snowballs and bows. (maybe configurable list of ranged items?
    That's about all I can think of just now :3, and as I said before, I want to stress that I don't have any particular expectations about what may, may not, can or cannot be implemented.. This is more of a brain-storm/list of random things I wanted to bring up for consideration/discussion here since MyWolf is the best and biggest wolf-related plugin I know of :D

    Has anyone noticed that the wolf face isn't included in the smilies for Bukkit Forums? but black and grey wool is! :mad:,
    Marcos Cosmos
  15. I never forced anyone to use the Spout clientmod.
    And I use the server plugin because it implements the inventory actions that are missing in bukkit.
    The Spout server plugin works fine for me and I will not remove it unless Bukkit have all the features Spout privides (and this will never happen:p).
    But it's in the first post under "Commands" :p
    will add it to the /wolf help list
    My fault >.< I have not checked the filetype of the sound file I added for levelup
    It's not a bug :p It's wanted :D I want that the wolfes to become stronger over time and not at start.
    You're right with the HP thing
    But I can't do anything against/for the tail of the wolf
    nope thats a problem with the filetype of the sound

    Your suggestions sounds interesting
  16. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Yeah, the in-game help list is lacking a lot of information.
    I see, would you mind explaining why you can't to me? (I want to know purely out of interest, from the point of view of an aspiring coder and software/web/etc developer, it's just interesting :eek:).... Do you think you might be able to once spout support custom blocks, items and mods? :p

    Also did you get a chance to see my draft wiki-layout? Sorry I can't finish it or anything right now... Hell I shouldn't even be here I've got a Very big chemistry assignment due in two days... that I've barely started :oops:

    And do you think some of them might be implementable? I see a lot of potential in building upon the existing MyWolf... but I don't know how much of it is possible without a coding team, I mean most major plugins like citizens and spout seem to need it, and SuperNaturalPlayers has it's own community and stuff.. :oops:

    I want to bring more discussion to this forum and maybe even a dedicated server (though I highly doubt it lol), because despite how useful MyWolf is, most servers avoid it because it needs spout, (and is listed on the spout plugin list on github as being highly-dependant on the client too, though it only shows health and a name right now..) so it's hard to find good (and well-performing) servers that use MyWolf... particularly whilst still keeping the core concepts of survival mode :( (they are mostly town-rpg and really don't involve a lot of building.. :confused:)

    Oh! adding to the feature list:
    • A permanent on-screen display of MyWolf health, level etc (like SpoutWallet works for economies?)
    • Wild-wolf clans/factions, (though I understand that this isn't really within the idea of a MyWolf, this forum still seems the best place to bring it up :D)
    Edit: What did you mean by a "demage" skill? (gunna look at the first post)
  17. Hm....... it maybe could be done... have to look at minecraft client source @home
    draft wiki-layout????^^
    Thats the problem :p I'm alone and have limited time. I would love to have a team arround me but it's not easy finding good coders who are interrested in this plugin :p
    Edited the Spout list.
    Its an RPG plugin :D
    I already added parts of the healthbar in holiday but I didn't get it work there
    and I can definitely say no to the wild-wolf-clans :p
    Demage skill add for each time the wolf gets this skill one attackdemage.
  18. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Yeah the wild-wolf had the least expectation.. but I wanna say by wild-wolf-clans I didn't mean clans of wild-wolves but clans of wolves, (probably generated through NPC's) that appear in the wild, somewhat like the NPC villages planned for the Adventure Update, or just a chance that some wild-wolves get replaced by the wild-clans NPC wolves when they spawn, then they proceed to fight one another, and you if you get in the way, these chances could be regional, biome, local player-clan based etc... still I stress that this is one of the least expected features.. But also I was thinking of it more for use in wold-spawning of wolves that already have alliances, adding a clan-dependent monster to the RPG side of the plugin :D.

    Also by town-RPG servers I meant, servers that are either all combat or all building... Which means that the regular Survival Mode is completely removed.. I would like to see a server with small towns and a free-build wilderness that allows random camping and home-building outside of clans. Real survival RPG. (And that uses good spout plugins like MyWolf).. The closest thing I found was the Chaotic Uniformity server but they completely disable beds until you have enough money and status to sell land, and the spawn was too laggy for me not to die daily... so I couldn't play :c.

    Anyway, I would really like to see this plugin become are a more extensive RPG plugin with a dedicated server.. though I realize the restraints.. Btw, I would be happy to learn Java and to assist you in the plugin development if I could and I might look into it when my studies aren't so constricting.

    Edit: Oh, you should probably know that "Demage" is correctly spelled (and pronounced) as "damage". But cool!, I forgot to mention that in the features :)

    Edit2: By draft wiki-layout, I meant the changes I made to the wiki on your github :p

    Edit3: Oh, can't wait for the onscreen info display then, and I'm glad that you changed the Spout info :D

    Perhaps we need some publicity?,
    Marcos Cosmos
  20. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    @Keyle Thanks for the feedback!

    As for your mentions of separate plugins for the new/extra plugins, I agree, as I stated before they are features that don't follow the logical development direction of "MyWolf" but I still think it would be a good idea to create a plugin suite that is directly-related to MyWolf... Would this be possible? I understand it may take a very long time if you do, but yeah. Please? :3

    And you are a Legend for requesting mob-skinning xD

    And as for the problems with mounts: I understand and understood that the AI would need to change, I was working on the assumption that you already and did manipulate the wolf AI, but I admit I never tested that theory... perhaps AI manipulation is a necessary spout request? :oops:

    This puppy is getting sleepy (Goodnight all!),
    Marcos Cosmos
  21. As I said in the post before it would be better to create an extra plugin for something like this because it doesn't have much to do with the idea of a companion:D
    I would like it too :D and it would be very nice if you learn java :D
    >.< I allways make this mistake >.< will correct it^^
    Sure:p I was surprised how quickly you have begun :D
    Some well well-known server running MyWolf wouldn't be bad :p

    The World of Wolves pack xD

    Changing the AI needs a change in bukkit and I don't think it can be done with Spout too

    Good night:p

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  22. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    I hadn't really begun, I'm quite used to webpage and word document, etc layouts, styles and formatting as well as general structures for displaying information. I do it all the time for school and for personal projects.... So even though I had never seen the code format before... It was natural :cool:

    Agreed, but how can we achieve this? Do you have anyone you can ask? :eek:

    Yay WoW Pack! Lol, (Though, to use more appropriate grammar it should probably be "World of Wolves", yes, English is one of my best subjects :p)
    And aww I see, then a bukkit request!
    Speaking of Bukkit, build 1060 has just been promoted!

    Is really going now... Bye!,
    Marcos Cosmos
  23. :p I really don't like the editor for the wikis on GitHub... less features, bad editor . . . .
    I don't know because I don't have connections to any bigger server >.<
    English is one of my best subjects too but it's because the other subject are more worse that english xD
    but I try to make the best of it
    0.5 will be for 1060
  24. Offline


    Well, i tested the plugin together with some friends and we found a bug:
    (I use mcmmo to see the bug)
    This is what i did:
    -I tamed a wolf
    -I made it MyWolf
    -I fight some spiders with it (The wolf get Mywolf-levels and Taming-skills for mcmmo)
    -I log out
    -I log back in
    -I fight some spiders (I get MyWolf-levels but no Taming-skill for mcmmo)
    -After some testing i found out, that the wolf changed his owner.
    -I tried this out with two friends and every wolf changes his owner to a spezial person (the same one for the whole server)
    Could you check the ownership of the wolf every time it spawns?
    i really think that this is caused by your plugin but will test some more ;)

    Found a second bug:
    Arrow-kills give an error:
    2011-08-17 17:20:52 [WARNING] Task of 'MyWolf' generated an exception
    java.lang.ClassCastException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftArrow cannot be cast to org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftLivingEntity
    	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftCreature.getTarget(
    	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftCreature.getTarget(
    	at de.Keyle.MyWolf.MyWolf$
    	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
  25. Offline


    my post is not aggressive, ignorant maybe, but not aggressive. and reporting? on what grounds? my post was to express my view on the use of spout. -.- btw, i did redo my minecraft, even on a plain copy of minecraft it still bugs out. and since your plugin depends on spout it is related to this thread. so why does this plugin require spout?

    now for your specific plugin, the config file for mywolf, are users suppose to be able to edit the skills part of the config file?

    also sometimes when the server restarts, the wolves don't respawn.
  26. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    I disagree with the bad editor comment, it's designed for quicK editing and categorizing so that anyone can change the details without bothering with much styling.. its really good for a public wiki where anyone and every needs to contribute.
    Though I know that doesn't quiet suit our needs.. as I said before I do a lot of web page creation so I can make something that we could both edit with dropbox or setup an account on webs or free-boards or something if you would like, or just finish the wiki on your github as I was already planning to :D

    And I don't have any big connections either >.<, maybe we need to start advertising? :)
    Btw, could you include skin changes for the behaviour change as an option with the skinning? (Like... when you set a wolf's behavior to aggressive they look kinda like aggressive wolves etc... (customizible skin for each behavior)

    First of all, your tone seems extremely agressive to me. :'(

    Secondly, your mod issue isn't something Keyle can do anything about (and you know that already). so you shouldn't post it here.

    Also, I browsed the spout thread, and I know how you can fix it (the same thing has been reported on the Spout thread several times):
    what caused it was not Spout, Bukkit, or MyWolf, but your negligance. Currently both your mods work alongside spout. its just that plugins for Bukkit 1000 don't work well for 1060 and vice-versa. Check which bukkit and spout builds your using. Your probably either running the Spout build designed for Bukkit 1060 on Bukkit 1000 or running Spout designed for 1000 on Bukkit 1060. Fixing that should solve everything.

    Since Mywolf is still 1000, you need to get build 1000 bukkit and the spout build for it. Or wait for mywolf to update so u can use 1060.

    MyWolf needs Spout because Bukkit isn't able support these features by itself, just like Vanilla servers can't support any Bukkit plugins without Bukkit.

    If you spoke respectfully and nicely I probably could have gone and found the solution for you when you reported the problem earlier. But I felt quite strongly that it was your mistake from the beginning because your language showed you weren't actually thinking about what caused it, you threw a tantrum and expected the first person you could think of to make it all better. So, I had to go back to the basic solutions you seemed not to have covered before I could look for another cause.

    Yes, and the first post explains how, haven't you read it? I'm also going to write up a more detailed explanation and instruction set for MyWolf as soon as I can. But I need to study for some big assessments coming up so your going to have to wait.

    It is clearly stated in the first post that things go wrong if you don't use the stop command to safely stop the server. But it is probably another glitch caused because your using the wrong Spout or Bukkit build.

    The following post for some reason could not be edited into this post :oops:,
    Marcos Cosmos

    Those are some quirky errors, sounds like we might need mcmmo compatibility?
    Can I ask exactly who the ownership went to? (out of interest :p)

    @Keyle Btw, if your going to make a plugin pack we should probably have a banner to advertise it? (the mywolf banner you have now suits mywolf well but not so much a WoW Pack)...
    I was thinking maybe an image of a group of wolves, each looking different and representing a different plugin..
    I have something in mind? :eek::
    A drawing (or photo-shopped image) of bunch of wolves sitting or arranged around a cube that has like the continents etc on its surface, representing the idea that the pack introduces to minecraft features that are much smoother and closer to being realistic.

    For example: A wolf with chests sitting atop the cube representing mywolf, An angry wolf peering around from behind the block to represent the clan/war plugin and, A wolf with a fancy saddle to represent the rider plugin

    Of course, I know we would need a good artist for that.. (I do know someone I could ask), o:
    (Again these are just ideas for discussion :D)

    By the way, is there anyone in this thread with artistic talent that are interested? :D

    Man this post took forever... stupid Forum glitch :'(,
    Marcos Cosmos

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  27. When do you normally should get tarming-skill?? I saw the source and it seems that you only get skill when the wolf gets damage and not when the wolf kills a mob but I don't know it exactly.
    This error says that the wolf has an arrow as target :confused: how can that be xD very interresting

    Yes, but we don't have it documented atm. we make a wiki for this.
    restart => /reload ??
    Every normal wiki has a better editor (maybe also a WYSIWYG-editor). If you want I can setup a mediawiki on my rootserver/vserver :p
    That shouln't be a problem

    When I know what cause the problems :p

    I would also like to know it
    Stop stop stop xD
    you are too fast for me xD
    I haven't finished this plugin and you start to plan a complete pack xD
    I have to start learning math for study in 3 weeks and I already have not much time xD

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  28. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Sure :3
    Lol like I said before these are just ideas I wanted to put forward, because I also have a ton of study, (and because it helps me to not think about them once I've mentioned them), I also don't want to forget them lol, I don't have ANY time-frame or expected time-frame, I don't expect to be able to work on the wiki and stuff for a month or 2 anyway. So don't feel stressed or obligated! :eek:

    Edit: Just math? Lucky you! I have to study for final exams for 5 subjects in a few weeks, plus I have to write an Oral report on the an observation I am yet to make on the solubility of 6 substances (due tomorrow), a Visual Basic project complete with a developer guide & user guide due next week. I have a math test I was supposed to take today, which I have studied less than half of the Textbook Chapters it covers, (lucky I had a doctor appointment, but I'll have to do it tomorrow or next week now), an overdue English essay, and an overdue assignment on hardware. :oops:
  29. Offline


    Anybody can attack wolf in pvp-free zone, even if WG flag is PVP deny.

    Please repair it ^^
  30. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    I'm afraid @Keyle is gunna need more information than that.

    Like, your server build, Spout build, MyWolf version.
    What plugins you are using for permissions and to create pvp-free zones.

    Also what is a WG flag? o.o.

    Hi btw :),
    Marcos Cosmos
  31. Offline


    The arrow-error is when a wolf gets killed by a skeleton(arrow) and the plugin tries to get the name of what kills the wolf to display this to the owner. In this case, it prints out: "Wolf was killed by Unknown Source" :D

    The mcmmo-error is something with both your plugin and mcmmo.
    I tested this a bit more to see how it works and i think, this is what causes the error:
    You log in and your wolf spawns.
    But as you are not logged in, you cannot be the target of being an owner of that wolf.
    So if another player (the first player logged in) is in the server, he gets your wolf for ownership.
    This appears to be only for mcmmo, so you sometimes control your wolf, sometimes, the wolf cannot be controled, sometimes, the other person controls the wolf.
    This also happens, if the wolf respawns, he will be your wolf, if you are alone at the server, but he gets the owner of the first player joined.
    I tested this with cb 1000 and cb 1060 (both the same glitch) and i don't know what causes this.
    Will look at yours and mcmmos source a bit to investigate this further ;)

    PS: cb1060 works fine without this :)
    And if you two need someone to contribute the plugin, there is always some space in my signature :D
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