Inactive [FUN/RPG] CaptureThePoints v1.3.8 - Capture The Points Game with Wool [1.2.3-R0.1, 1.1 R6]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Humsas, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Capture The Points Game with Wool​
    Version: v1.3.8

    BukkitDev page.

    This is my version of this plugin, original plugin was created by dkramer. Original post.

    Idea of this plugin is simple: player chooses a role(also he can shop in lobby and in arena) and goes in arena
    to capture points by placing colored wool in them.
    This game can be played in capture mode, where team which captures defined amount of points wins and in score mode where each point generates score every 30 sec and team which reaches defined amount of score wins. Each point capture and kill gives money and for it player can buy by punching signs.
    • with some plugin configuration gameplay can drastically change.
    • create your own arenas for this game.
    • multiworld support.
    • arenas protection.
    • custom roles.
    • inventory saving on entering the game.
    • reward system.
    • custom HealingItems system(with HOT and cooldowns)
    • player command usage disable when playing
    • some arena repair after battle(only for player built/destroyed blocks).
    • shops by signs in the game.
    • lobby for roles selection and preparing for battle.
    • spawns and lobby protection from damage.
    • multi-arenas support ( only one to play thou)
    Download link
    Latest version 1.3.8 (for bukkit 1.2.3-R0.1 and 1.1 R6)
    When upgrading to a new version please read changes.
    Other versions
    Permissions page.
    Configuration file and installation
    How to configure your CaptureSetings.yml and install plugin
    New video how to build an arena.
    Old video how to build an arena.
    Command list
    Source code
    CaptureThePoints game video:

    Please report any bugs and errors here:
    And dont forget to write which version of plugin and bukkit you are using!​


    Version 1.3.8
    • Updated to new listeners and config system.
    • Added cooldown to class selection.
    • Now player will not be kicked from lobby on readying up if he is alone in there.
    • Fixed helmet disappearance on class change.
    • New chunk sending to players client.

    Version 1.3.7
    • Fixed rewards bug.
    • Fixed Team balancing bugs (I hope that was last of them).
    For other changes visit

    Version 1.3.7

    Added new config options:
    • ExpRewardForKillingOneEnemy - rewards player with EXP points after the game for every player he killed.
    • EconomyMoneyCostForJoiningArena - how much money it costs to join specific arena.
    • DisableKillMessages - disables kill messages to lower spam in chat.
    Added new features:
    • Now players can select team in lobby by punching wool with team color he wants to join. (Autobalance balances teams if they are not equal after all players are ready).
    • Enchanted items now are supported in all configuration + in-game CTP sign shops. Example: 272:2/16-4/20-2/21-3
    • Economy support thru Vault plugin(That is not required if you will not use economy money as rewards).
    • EXP can be given as a reward. Example: WinnerTeam: Items: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS, EXP:100, $100
    Lots of other bug fixes.
    In older versions newly created config versions got really messy. Sorry about that. You can clean them by backuping CaptureSettings.yml int 1.3.7 version, then deleting it and generating new config file to which you can copy data from the old one.

    Older version changes: (open)


    Fixed some bugs:
    • Now /ctp b arenalist reloads arena list on call.
    • Added new commands to help.
    • /ctp b findchests now is only usable by admins.
    • Fixed potions bug.
    • Fixed bug with players able to capture points not meant to be captured by their team.

    Version 1.3.6

    There are lots of news and I really don't remember them all :S
    Few main ones are:
    • Config file got revised, so please backup it before adding .jar file. (It should update config file automatically).
    • Added new commands: /ctp build save, /ctp build findchests and /ctp build restore.
    • Also new permission ctp.admin.restore ctp.admin.canModify.
    • Arena hard restore is now working(on mySQL) also simple arena restore now restores arena after explosions.
    • Now /ctp build setpoint accepts new optional option at the end of command, allowing to set which teams cant capture the point.
    • Team balancing changed also there is new option for balancing players in config file.
    • Role signs can now be used in-game in format Line 1: Role, Line 2: Price (optional). Line 3 and line 4 empty.
    • Every arena now has its own configuration options!
    • Now all arenas are protected from players that are not playing CTP, so they could not grief arena.

    Version 1.3.0

    New commands:
    • /ctp auto <worldname> - brings every player in the world to a random suitable arena.
    • /ctp aliases - list of helpful command aliases.
    • /ctp rejoin - join a game if one has started(if there is no game started, player will not be able to join).
    • /ctp stats - shows player in-game stats.
    • /ctp team - show team-members.
    • /ctp start - starts CTP game(admin command).
    • /ctp version - check this plugin's version.
    • /ctp build maximumplayers <number> - sets maximum players of the arena.
    • /ctp build minimumplayers <number> - sets minimum players of the arena
    New config options:
    • MaxPlayerHealth - players health in CTP, defaults to 20.
    • AllowCommands - if true player can use commands while playing, if false, he cant.
    • UseSelectedArenaOnly - if true uses only the selected arena, if false it randomly chooses an arena to play.
    • AllowLateJoin - if true players can join CTP after game has started, else if false they cant join.
    • AllowBlockPlacement - if true players can build anywhere, if false the can only place wool in the CTP points.
    • AutoStart - if true starts the game when there are enough players, if false admin must start game with /ctp start.
    New feature: Healing items(See configuration guide).
    Tried to fix auto-balancing bugs(Not tested yet).
    Made most commands console-safe.
    /ctp help - remade.

    All permisions have been changed, please see configuration guide

    Version 1.2.6

    Thanks kjhf for many updates, chat messages fixes, command system remake and many more.
    • Fixed bug there having lobby not in boundarys caused players who try to destroy blocks beneath them trown out of the game, but be left in the lobby.
    • Fixed zero wool bug in config file.
    • /ctp colors command now also shows players who are playing game.
    • Added new command /ctp team - it shows players on command sender's team.
    New config options:
    • BreakingBlocksDropsItems - if true destroyed blocks drop items, false - disables block drop from destroyed blocks.
    • DropWoolOnDeath - if true player drops other teams wool on his death, if false - player does not drop other teams wool on death.
    • LobbyKickTime - time in seconds player has to ready up or he will be kicked from lobby (-1 or 0 disables checking).
    Added one more option in shop system:
    Now 4 line in sign is meant for color of team allowed to buy sign item(this is optional, this line can be left empty).
    • Changes in text formatting and colors.
    • Kill steak messages changed.
    Version 1.2.1
    • Fixed problems (but need testing with 5 or more people) ExactTeamMemberCount.
    • Now players cant build in lobby.
    • Also players cant build with not their own wool around the points.
    Version 1.2.0
    • Tested with CB 1317.
    • Added command /ctp kick - kicks player from the game.
    • Added new configuration option ExactTeamMemberCount - with which(if true) players can join game only by groups.
    • Fixed chat flood then punching Iron block in the lobby.
    Version 1.1.9
    • Tested with CB 1317.
    • Fixed bug when you damage yourself with arrow and it trows error in console.
    Version 1.1.8
    • Tested with CB 1240.
    • Fixed arena creation and joining bug.
    • Fixed score message with many same teams.
    • Fixed /ctp pjoin wrong message.
    • Fixed wool placing bug, when placing not your own wool and preventing other players to capture that point.
    Version 1.1.7
    • Fixed previous bugs.
    • Added teleporting check - now player which teleports out of lobby will leave the game. While in the game teleporting teleports to your team spawn.
    Version 1.1.6

    • Updated for 1.8.1 version.
    • Added helmet check.
    Version 1.1.5

    • Now really fixed vertical point remove bug.
    • Added more messages on game end.
    • Fixed reward bug on game timeout end.
    • Now all rewards are stacked(except armor) also it stacks player inventory on entering the arena.
    • Shop bug where you cant see bought item.
    • Arena repair bug with wool.
    • Now players cant destroy signs in arena while playing.
    Version 1.1.3

    • Added /ctp reload and /ctp build setboundary <1 | 2>
    • Fixed vertical point remove bug.
    • Added protection that players in the game could not teleport/move out of arena(arena boundaries must be set).
    Version 1.1.0

    • Fixed lots of bugs, added arena protection, wool drop on death, point protection for making easy money, point protection for building on top or before point.
    • Vertical points and /ctp build setpoint usage changed
    • New commands /ctp build arenalist and /ctp build pointlist.
    • Added rewards after game.
    Version 1

    • Initial release.
    obitoo likes this.
  2. Offline


    doesent work on the latest cb :/
    update please
  3. Offline


    I noticed that one player and another one the other team cant hit each other...
    kinda like one player gets god against one on the other team.
    is this some team balance or is there a plugin that wont function with the ctp plugin?
  4. Offline


    Maybe they are in the lobby zone or near team spawn?
  5. Offline


    well they are in mid so it do not make quite sence. and the spawn and lobby is a 30-50 blocks away
  6. Offline


    They should be able to hit each other, maybe you are receiving some kind of errors?
  7. Offline


    Its would be nice to have multiple spawn points. like /ctp build setspawn [number] [color]
  8. Offline


    Please up-date it :( I wanted to use it on my 1.1 - R1 and i didnt work :( this plugin is great but I have so many bugs , but it's so awesome I have to get it !
    When will you do update?
  9. Offline


    It's up to date. im using it right now.
  10. Offline


    Can u give me some help, do you have skype or something?

    Where can i go some help? I got so many Bugs :( I'm using 1.1 - R1 right now and i cant even use command /ctp reload becaue of some kind of error. But the biggest problem is that, when i make an arena, all is ok but when i will /ctp jall it will tp all people, match start and after capturing 1 point game is end. I changed it in config but when i reloaded serwer there wasnt my arena any more ... I fallowed the movie but it didnt work ...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  11. Offline


    I'm having some issues with joining a match. when i do "/ctp join" i says "You are already playing a game!" but when i do "/ctp leave" it says a internal error message. untill all this is fixed im unstalling the plugin.
  12. Offline


    ChaseTheRacer Eveer it would be nice if you could pm me an error message.
    You must change how much points player must to capture in arena config file after you created an arena or change in default plugin file before creating a new arena.
  13. Offline


    Any idea if this will be R5 friendly?
    added it as the other 'ctf/ctp' plugins didnt work how we liked. This one we LOVE. players cant stop playing it.

    Just checking if its going to be/is ready for the new event changes in r5
  14. Offline


    In the console it runs as normal.... Sooo but again I have multi world and its not in the main world and world guard is enabled, but i haven't guarded it... could you please add support for multi world because i think that is the problem
  15. Offline


    Multiworld is supported. Have you tried to create other test arenas in other worlds?
  16. Offline


    Can you update this for R6 please!? We really love your plugin!
  17. Offline


    How do i fix this!??!

    WARNING: Arena has an incorrect World. The would in the config, "null", Could not be found
    Could not resold. PLease fix manually. Hint:your installed worlds are: [world, world......]

    How do i fix em?!?! I already checked the config and the corrected world is already there
  18. Offline


    If you are able to play in that arena, everything is fine. Its just a checking error.
  19. Offline


    I am looking for a capture the flag plugin that actually works so if u could make one that would be great!
  20. Offline


    Can you make multi arena support? like /ctp join arena1, /ctp join arena2?
  21. Offline


    bug ctp build setboundary when i use this put 2 point it's work but when i close server and run server again bound error. i found my boundary point in config file of my arena is not same as the point i see in game (i fix by using F3 to see x y z point and put that number to config file by my self maybe ctp build setboundary is bug ?)

    [bug report] i make a game with 2 team.there are red and blue..with 7 capture points 2 point of them can not capture by another team.. Point to win is 6.. bug is while playing ... blue team put blue wool box to ALL capturePoint! but the score still show up x/6 (x < 6)

    can you support using killing point to win?
    team that capturePoint >= x or killing score of team >= x to win

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  22. Offline


    I have a problem - when i want to play it's says me: "the spawn point "red" in the arena "aren" is out of the arena boundaries. [Spawn is -543, 498. Boundaries are 0<==>0, 0<==>].
    Pleas help me!!!

    i fixed the red spawn, but the blue spawn is still not in the boundaries.
    what can i do?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  23. Offline


    please! :'( update to 1.2.5 minecraft version.. its a very cool plugin and i need to use in my server :(
  24. Offline


    i cheked and i saw that some point are not in the boundaries.
    how can i fix it?
  25. Offline


    Someone please help! How to change the amount of players needed to start a match!?

    Hello! I really enjoy your plugin! But there is 1 problem! I set PointsToWin: 2, and when someone captures just 1 point, they autowin :O! How to fix this problem?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  26. Offline


    Help! When people join the game and break&place wool everywhere, and then the game finishes, the wool that they broke and destroyed is not removed, and the map isn't fixed to default settings! How to fix this?

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