Inactive [FUN/RPG]CallofDuty MC v4.0 - Call of Duty Minecraft Style! [1.2.5-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by emericask8ur, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Call of Duty MC- Lets go commando in Minecraft!​
    Version: 4.0
    This plugin is just like a Call of Duty for Minecraft, with Teams,Weapons,Grenades,Smoke bombs, Levels + more! As of now this is only under Beta. Enjoy!
    If you would like to part participate in CallofDutyMC you can create a Pull Request:
    • Call of Duty Game
    • Guns and Weapons
    • 9 Fun Call of Duty MC Levels for Fighting Mobs!
    • Airstrike Command
    • Scores & Teams
    • Nukes
    • Grenades
    • Smoke Grenades
    • Way more!
    [diamond]How to Play[diamond]:

    Simply Hold a Stick in your hand and type /Start and /Cod for the Feature Menu!

    Thanks to @WhiZper for the video!

    Commands (open)

    /Airstrike - Must have stick in hand
    /Auto - Automatic guns
    /Smoke - Smoke Grenades *Snow Ball
    /Grenade - Frag *Egg
    /Team <Creepers/Zombies>
    /Body Count - Shows your Score of Body Count"
    /Start - Turns it on and off"
    /Level <1-10>
    /Remove Team
    /Buy <A/B/C>
    /Total Exp
    Remember this is only beta!

    Permission Node:
    Permission Nodes (open)

    • cod.air - Allows user to use /Airstrike
    • - Enables Automatic Mode for Everyone
    • cod.smoke - Enables Smoke Grenades
    • cod.grenade - Enables Frag grenades
    • - Allows user to pick team
    • cod.level - Player SP Levels
    • - Allows the user to view the command list
    • cod.start - Enable and Disable COD
    • cod.nuke - Nuke
    • - Buy Weapon Classes
    • - Total Exp

    <><>Download Here<><>

    Version 4.0
    • Compatible with new build of craftbukkit 1.2.5
    Version 3.5
    • Added buying classes with Exp
    • Nuke Command
    • Fixed All bugs/ID's on BukkitDev
    • New commands and nodes
    • Relates above(/Total Exp , /Nuke)
    • Code Cleanup
    • Updated to 1.1-R4
    • Commits from Github (Report Bugs at our Ticket Control )
    Version 3.0.1
    • Remove Team Command
    • Update to new RB-1.1
    • Commits
    Version 2.0:
    Version 0.1.5:
    • Added More Weapon Features
    • Added New Command
    • Fixed Small Bug
    Version 0.1

    • Release
    Whos working on this? (open)

    Creator- @emericask8ur | Contributor - @Butkicker12 | Contributor - Waterflames
  2. Offline


    Do you know how to create plugins well?

    New Update! Check it out!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2016
  3. Offline


    Nice one, what about MobArena addone?
  4. Offline


    hmm what do you think about adding a command for teamspawn points ?
  5. Offline


    Like count up the Points? Each kill?
  6. Offline


    Yes that would be great ^^ and i mean something like the players must first join a team and then when an admin starts codmc, the players for expample of team zombies are warped too some point and the members of team creeper would be warped :D with this you can give it a team death match touch ^.-
  7. Offline


    May be Waterflames Can implement it! ;)
  8. Offline


    I would, but I'm a bit out of time atm. Maybe this weekend?
  9. Offline


    Whenever is fine :)
  10. Offline


    would be great :D
  11. Offline


    any guess on when it will be out for 1.1.0?
  12. Offline


    New Update, Check Changelog!!
  13. i suggest u to support or add a feature for Capture the Points, its actually the most fun plugin for pvp arenas, it will be like CoDMC its enabled for the players inside the arena, just think about that, im sure it gonna work =) (also add permissions)
  14. Offline


    I have added Permission nodes a while ago
  15. Offline


    When i saw this i was SHAT MY PANTS when i tried it I needed to buy new pants.
    emericask8ur likes this.
  16. Offline


    ok this is almost epic but its missing something like maybe GUNS like make a mod for it like a sdk that you half to craft but no ammo Just guns like wood=bad stone =ok iorn=awesome gold=sweet and diamond =FU**ING RUN!
    EDIT=changed bust to just XD
  17. Offline


    Hi~ The plugin is not really working. I have it in the plugin folder, but the commands with the stick in hand or not functioning. Do i need to have a permissions file in place.?
  18. Offline


    Make sure you have the latest Recommended build and You must be Op or have permissions
  19. Offline


    lol thats was stupid of me didnt see the ops file, well thanks!
  20. Offline


    Hehe its alright! Happens :p No Prob!
  21. Offline


    do I need something like spout? cus the commands work but not the guns and like that stuff.
    please help
  22. Offline


    Make sure you have latest of craftbukkit
  23. Offline


    dude make a flame thrower ;D And make smoke bombs last longer also add like Assault Helicopters or kill streaks :D.
    The helicopter could aper and just start dropping arrows and tnt down :D
  24. Offline


    xD red i think you are overdoing it x_x something like a helicopter need a client mod or something like movecraft/spout !
  25. Offline


    Yes BUT a fake helicopter like made with blocks :D
  26. Offline


    hmm but wouldn't that thing be rly BIG ? cause to look even a bit like a heli, it must be giantic in minecraft xD
  27. I know you said BETA, but plz look into the permissions. Players wont get a menu, but can shoot arrows as minigun, even without permissions.
    In the land where permissions area set true for players, it won't show the cod menu at all. But op or admin can get the menu. They can't even type start.
  28. Offline


    Could you help me pls? :) everytime i start my server it says "It already exists!" pls whats this?
  29. Offline


    In need of a Official Project Tester for CallofDutyMC. Message if interested

    The /minigun allows the entire server to use it. Its just a On/Off Switch for the Server administrator

    Please post all of your plugins you are using

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2016
  30. well, i have 5 worlds and can take 100 players. I don't want minigun to turn on in other worlds than the one to the group specifyed, in a separate world. I have 40 plugings , so a bit of a paste to set here. But i'm using latest essentials and bukkit permissions, along with groupmanager etc, and multiverse + multiinv.
  31. Offline


    Actually it might just be Bukkit itself. I have never seen it happen until now. Bukkit may be checking a file and seeing if it is already there.

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