Inactive [FUN/MISC] BleedingMobs v3.5 - Make those mobs bleed [Craftbukkit-1.1-R2 dev]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Perdog, Jul 25, 2011.


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    Make your mobs bleed a little
    NOTE: Please use the BukkitDev site at:
    That is also where all updates will be done from now on.
    Click on the 4th spoiler for the old post, not sure why there's a BB code glitch here.​
    old post (open)
    old post (open)
    old post (open)
    old post (open)

    BleedingMobs is a plugin I developed for my own server. It didn't seem right that those suckers weren't bleeding all over the place while I hacked them up with my sword. So I developed this, to make it a little more satisfying when I attacked mobs.
    This is also the first plugin I have ever developed, so expect there to be bugs. If you do find any bugs just leave a reply or Email me and I'll try to tend to the issue as fast as possible (I'm in college so I can't tend to the plugin at all times of the day). I hope you enjoy my plugin, please let me know if you like it and find it useful :)
    New screenshots will be up as soon as possible!​
    How to setup the config:
    I know there has been some confusion with the Config.yml, so here is something to help you guys out.​
    // Maximum particles allowed in the world. Reduce this, if the server lags.
    max-particles: 200
    //When an entity dies.
        //On entity death, how much blood is dropped by the mob. Randomly selected between from and to.
        amount:        to: 35        from: 25
        //How long the stained ground stays before disappearing (in server ticks = 20/s).
            to: 120
            from: 80
        //How long bone stays lingering around (in server ticks = 20/s).
        bone-life: 100    //Colour of the wool, 14 is red (obviously :P).
        wool-color: 14
        //Chance that bone will be used as blood in percent.
        bone-chance: 12
        //What materials can be stained.
        - stone
        - grass
        - dirt
        - cobblestone
        - wood
        - sand
        - gravel
        - sandstone
        - wool
        - double-step
        - snow-block
        - clay
        - netherrack
        - soul-sand
        //How long particles stay before disappearing (in server ticks = 20/s).
            to: 15
            from: 5
        //Chance that wool will be used as blood in percent.
        wool-chance: 40
        //If the blood from entity dying will stain the ground.
        stains-floor: true
    //If you have multiple worlds, but only want this on for selected worlds, put the world name in the [ ], separated by commas. An empty list means all worlds.
    worlds: []
    //When creeper is attacked or dying.
        //Amount of blood particles that the creeper drops.
            to: 15
            from: 5
        //How long the stain lasts on the ground.
            to: 120
            from: 80
        //How long bones dropped stay till disappearing.
        bone-life: 100
        //The colour of the wool (5 is light green).
        wool-color: 5
        //Chance that the creeper will bleed bone in percent.
        bone-chance: 0
        //What materials can be stained by creepers.
        - stone
        - grass
        - dirt
        - cobblestone
        - wood
        - sand
        - gravel
        - sandstone
        - wool
        - double-step
        - snow-block
        - clay
        - netherrack
        - soul-sand
        //How long the particles stick around.
            to: 15
            from: 5
        //Chance that creepers will bleed wool.
        wool-chance: 50
        //If creepers can stain the ground.
        stains-floor: false
    //When entity is attacked.
        //Amount of particles that are dropped.
            to: 25
            from: 15
        //How long the stained ground lasts.
            to: 120
            from: 80
        //How long the bone particle will last.
        bone-life: 100
        //Colour of the wool (again 14 is red).
        wool-color: 14
        //Chance that bone will be bled when entity's are attacked.
        bone-chance: 6
        //Materials that can be stained.
        - stone
        - grass
        - dirt
        - cobblestone
        - wood
        - sand
        - gravel
        - sandstone
        - wood
        - double-step
        - snow-block
        - clay
        - netherrack
        - soul-sand
        //Life of particles bled when entity is attacked.
            to: 15
            from: 5
        //Chance that entity's will bleed wool when attacked.
        wool-chance: 50
        //If the ground can be stained when an entity is attacked.
        stains-floor: true
    //When entities are damaged by projectiles.
        //How much they bleed.
            to: 15
            from: 5
        //How long the stain will last.
            to: 120
            from: 80
        //How long bone that was bled will last.
        bone-life: 100
        //Wool colour (14 is still red)
        wool-color: 14
        //Chance that bone will be dropped when damaged by projectile.
        bone-chance: 6
        //What materials can be stained.
        - stone
        - grass
        - dirt
        - cobblestone
        - wood
        - sand
        - gravel
        - sandstone
        - wool
        - double-step
        - snow-block
        - clay
        - netherrack
        - soul-sand
        //How long the particles last.
            to: 15
            from: 5
        //Chance that wool will be dropped when damaged by projectile.
        wool-chance: 50
        //If floors can be stained or not.
        stains-floor: true
    Use this chart to change the colour of the wool
    Hope this helps guys. If you have any other questions about the config feel free to drop me a PM and I'll try to explain it better.
    • Complete overhaul!
    • Mobs now drop Red wool/Redstone/Bones and stain the ground with their blood
    • Drops disappear over time and are not pickup-able
    • Config file has been added, the following can be configured:
      • Max particles
      • Amount of drops
      • How long the stain lasts
      • The colour of the wool
      • Chance of bone being dropped
      • Chance of wool being dropped
      • How long the drops stick around before disappearing
      • Can disable the stain effect for Creepers, on entity damage, or entity death
    **NOTE: This code was developed by Snowleo, he was generous enough to leave a source code for people to pull from :D by request I changed it to this and personally I much prefer it now. Full credit goes to Snowleo, I only tweaked the code a tiny tiny bit**

    Email me if you have any questions
    Version 3.4:
    • Compatibility with CraftBukkit 1.1-R1
    • New Bukkit Event system
    • Optimized block replacement (should not trigger any physics update anymore)
    • Optimized event handling
    • Statistics by Hidendra
    General info: Since Version 3.4 this plugin send statistics about the usage to the server You can disable this using the command /bleedingmobs disable-metrics
    Version 3.1
    • Candy mode (Hint: set particle material to cake)
    Version 3.0
    This project has a new owner. I'm the original author of the mod.
    • Support for Enderdragon (broken, because Bukkit does not call the events, but it will work once they implement them)
    • Fall damage now creates a blood effect (can be configured)
    • Implemented the NoLagg compatibility.
    • More comments in the config.yml
    • Blood is only triggered, if the damage event is not canceled (can be configured)
    • Updated for 1597
    Also all the changes that I made in my branch:
    • Prevent Enderman pickup of wool blocks
    • Enderman bleed black wool and coal
    • The blood can be configured now in config
    • Fix bug with explosions releasing particles twice
    • Different colored blood stains don't overwrite each other
    • Updated for the new config code.
    Version 2.5 part 1/2
    • Added bits of code provided by bergerkiller that will hopefully let this and NoLagg co-exist.
    • Next update will update the config file.
    Version 2.3
    • Thanks again to Snowleo, the chunk reload issue was fixed.
    Version 2.2
    • Snowleo has added a config file, which allows stains to be toggled for certain events
    • If I have the time, and if I feel like it, I may attempt to add to the config file to make individual mobs toggle-able.
    Version 2.1
    • Tweaked a method to fix the onEntityExplode. It isn't completely fixed yet, but I think it's a bit better then it was before. Thank you too Zarius for pointing out the problem too me :)
    Version 2.0
    • Code has been completely changed
    • Expect to love this plugin A LOT more
    Version 1.3
    • Minor bug fix
    • Added additional features
    Version 1.2
    • Small adjustment too remove Dropped Redstone​
    Version 1.1
    • Recoded so that players can't pick up restone that is dropped, and it disappears when they try to pick it up (should prevent any lagging from occuring if a lot of mobs are taking damage)
    Version 1.0
    • Finished plugin and released it to bukkit :) with thanks too nisovin for helping with a part in the coding
    Version 0.1
    • Didn't work at all
    To-Do list:
  2. Offline


    Just lower the percentage of everything else, I think that'll do it
  3. Offline


    My config looks out of date, if I delete, will it regenarate?

    Also I confirm that the blood with @bergerkilleris no existence! I plotted a ton of TnT and a bunch of sheep, no drops on wool or redstone!

  4. Offline


    Regenerating it would change the spacing, but nothing else, I'm working on updating the config to make it cleaner, but I'm only doing it in what little spare time I have because I am working on a much bigger plugin at the moment.

    And it should work really good with nolagg now, since bergerkiller gave me the exact code that would be need for him to hook into it :)
  5. Offline


  6. Offline


    Since adding the config to the OP bukkit changed the way they generate configs, when I did this update to make it compatible with NoLagg I also started the config, I changed it to the new method. So it would generate different. It should have 2 spaces instead of 4 now.
  7. Offline


    I just backed up from an older version, that worked, I'll wait till you make a new config, and have the time!
    Perdog likes this.
  8. Offline


    how bout citizens (npc) support. Such as not being able to spill blood from a npc[disable it]? :D I hope this hasnt been asked before. Well you can make exceptions for guards l:D ????
  9. Offline


    Im still noob with pluggins but shouldn´t it create a folder named BleedingMobs(with the config.yml inside this folder)when i run the server with the plugin on it ?
  10. Offline


    I'm not putting much work into this anymore, I'm just redoing the config at the moment, but I can maybe look into this for you
    It most definitely should. Is it not creating one for you??
    kahlilnc likes this.
  11. Offline


    well i tryed deleting the plugin but it didnt change anything... if I create the folder will it work ?
  12. Offline


    Would it be possible to make it so the bleed effect only happens when someone takes damage? For example if you punch an admin with godmode or don't take damage while immune from a golden apple, the bleed effect still occurs.
  13. Offline


    I don't know ... I'll test it out tonight and see if I can fix this for you
    I'm not really doing much work on this anymore, and to do this would require me to change quite a bit.
  14. Offline


    Ahh thanks anyway!
  15. Offline


    Idk what I did but now its working:)
    Ty for the patient and the help
  16. Offline


    Nice! I got this. But for the stains does it change the actual block, or just the texture?
  17. Offline


    It changes the actual block to red wool (or whatever you have the stain set too)
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


  20. Offline


    I recommend updating to 3.2 for everyone, who is using disabled worlds.
  21. Offline


    i need help i keep geting this error
    [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling BleedingMobs v3.2 (Is it up to date?): null
    can some one please help! ( and i did not change anything i just got it ).
  22. Offline


    Can you post an actual error?
  23. Offline


    Is there a way to dissable the redstone but not the wool/bone particles? 3 particles is a bit annoying also confusing since redstone sprites differ between texturepacks. Like mine shows them as small bags of dust...which looks very odd as they explode from a monster body
  24. Offline

    Mista Epic

    Yes, but the question isn't whether it'll blend, or any other overused meme, but it's... Is it command toggleable?
  25. Offline


    *bumps the thread*

    BleedingMobs 3.3 is released with commands and chickens.
  26. Offline


    Looks really cool. just one question. Do you plan to make blood splatter sprites to replace these red objects?
  27. Offline


  28. Offline



    New version 3.4 for Craftbukkit 1.1-R1
  29. Offline


    New release 3.4.1 that fixes a bug in chunk unload event.
  30. Offline


    anyone try this with mob arena yet? i'd like to know how laggy it gets :p
  31. Offline


    Hmmmm . . . i run a server with 16GB of ram and a 120GB SSD so i think it depends on your server specs. For me, none at all :D

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