[FUN/MECH] VoxelDoop v1.7 - Never Run Out of Blocks Again

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Voxel Box, Mar 2, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Voxel Box

  2. Offline


    That's hardly being a rebel. It's just being a complete and utter asshole.

    btw, *then.
    Lunar Delta likes this.
  3. Offline


    Don't swing your epeen around here, I don't know who you are and the only reason I know what the VoxelBox is because EvilSeph gave me a tour once. Don't act like you're famous, you really, really aren't. He was doing his job as a moderator, if you check the other plugin threads which we handle, you'll see the same thing. Recommended you put it away and respect the staff here.
  4. Offline


    I know exactly what his job is, if you can call it a job, and you've no need to try an explain to to me. I provide this software free of charge and up to date when YOU the Bukkit team break the plugins. If there is no update, it works. If you can't comply with that, than go complain somewhere else. Your moderation is useless and has no purpose here.
  5. Offline


    Don't be a jackass, moderation is needed for folk like yourself. Learn some manners.
  6. Offline


    Ban me and hurt tens of thousands of people that freely use my software, see who cares about what you do, me or them.
  7. Offline


    Are you saying you'd stop distributing your plugins to the bukkit community if the bukkit forum mods banned you (justified or not)?

    Or are you saying that you'd still distribute it, but that you'd have nowhere to verbally assault those have problems, and that would therefore hurt us users?
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    This would be brilliant if I could restrict it to Ops only...
  10. Offline


    Still can't get this working. There is ZERO documentation on how to install, as well as ZERO troubleshooting. I find this very odd because the voxel wiki spends almost a full page telling users how to do something as simple as install a texture pack. So I've got a bukkit server with absolutely no plugins. I plopped the VoxelDoop.jar into the plugins folder, and instead of a working plugin I get this: 2011-08-08 14:51:12 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins/VoxelDoop.jar' in folder 'plugins':
    java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file
  11. Offline


    Permission support?
  12. Offline

    Voxel Box

    An idea is that you could set your dooplicator to one of the chain armors, your paintbrush to another, and the data scroll wrench to yet another one. This makes obtaining these item creating tools only for people who can spawn items in the first place. The item IDs can be configured in the VoxelDoop config. file.
    We are currently working on creating documentation for installation of this plugin.

    Edit: There is now installation and troubleshooting documentation. I would suggest trying to re-install VoxelDoop, chilewile007.
    The VoxelPlugins will likely never support permissions, as we have our own permission based systems. This plugin can be "permission only" by setting it to the chain armor, as described above.
  13. Offline


    erm how do i get the tools? can i make the dooplicator? paintbrush? wrenchtool?

    What are the item ID numbers for these tools so i can spawn or even make them

    Qoute: If you download the creative texture pack from http://www.thevoxelbox.com you can see the re-textured items inside the ZIP.
    There is NO link to download on ya site.. cant find a link to get this texture pack as i wna use doop!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016
  14. Offline


    I see plenty of links on there. Nice embedded hyperlinks under pretty pictures
  15. Offline

    Voxel Box

    Feel free to download and use our tool textures for your own texture pack (we love em' and they're great for przerwap's plugins). The tools are the same for all the packs, so just go ahead and download the Pangea Pack.

  16. Offline


    I really want to use this plugin, but I also need permissions support so I can make it world-based only. Is there any way you can release an unofficial version which supports permissions :)?
  17. Offline

    Voxel Box

    Not really, but permissions should be coming eventually to this plugin (thanks for your enthusiasm). I said this above, and this might be of interest to you:
    An idea is that you could set your dooplicator to one of the chain armors, your paintbrush to another, and the data scroll wrench to yet another one. This makes obtaining these item creating tools only for people who can spawn items in the first place. The item IDs can be configured in the VoxelDoop config. file.
    Good luck!
  18. Offline


    I updated to CB1060 tonight. Just now I was having a problem selecting obsidian around a portal in the nether. It kept picking up Netherrack no matter what side I tried to pick up the obsidian from. It was a standout moment since I use this plugin probably more than any other (click-wise) and I can't recall it ever doing anything like that.

    It might have been a fluke but on the off-chance that there's an issue with the latest RB or one of the other plugins I updated, I wanted to report it. Oddly, it seemed to be localized to one portal (based on the small amount of time I was trying to figure it out). A re-log didn't fix it but a server restart did. There were no errors on the log. It was quite mysterious.
  19. Offline

    Voxel Box

    I have no idea what that could have been. As long as it's working now though, that's good. I hope you're enjoying przerwap's amazing plugin(s). :cool:
  20. Offline


    please add permission support or some sort of way to disable the option for other players
  21. Offline

    Voxel Box

    It's coming, but in the mean time, you could set your dooplicator to one of the chain armors, your paintbrush to another, and the data scroll wrench to yet another one. This makes obtaining these item creating tools only for people who can spawn items in the first place. The item IDs can be configured in the VoxelDoop config. file.
  22. Offline


    Smart idea thanks!
  23. Offline


    Are there permissions nodes?
  24. Offline


    our the voxel plugins going to be moved to dev.bukkit.org would be a shame if not and the bukkit.org gets removed and only thing left is dev.bukkit.org

    y'all make some great plugins i use all but voxel air but i would love to see all be placed on dev.bukkit.org also makes it easy for people to update
  25. Offline

    Voxel Box

    It's com'n, but in th' mean time, ye could set your dooplicator t' one o' th' ch'n armors, your paintbrush t' 'nother, an' th' data scroll wrench t' yet 'nother one. This makes obtain'n these item creat'n tools only fer people who can spawn items in th' first place. Th' item IDs can be configured in th' VoxelDoop config. file.

    Happy Talk like a Pirate Day! If you're not a pirate, here's an easier-to-read paragraph:

    It's coming, but in the mean time, you could set your dooplicator to one of the chain armors, your paintbrush to another, and the data scroll wrench to yet another one. This makes obtaining these item creating tools only for people who can spawn items in the first place. The item IDs can be configured in the VoxelDoop config. file.

    Some time in th' near future, th' VoxelPlugins will be on th' dev.bukki.org site.

    (Also, Happy Talk like a Pirate Day to you too!)
  26. Offline


    Scroller tool doesn't seem to work on the new stairs 108/109. I put them on the scrollable list. Thx.
  27. Offline

    Voxel Box

    This plugin does not currently support 1.8. When a 1.8 release is sent out, it (should) have the new stairs on the scrollable list. Thanks for the tip!
    Tanite likes this.
  28. Offline


    I've set my server to Creative. The paintbrush has a problem now. When you tap to grab a palette, it destroys the block.
    Tanite likes this.
  29. Offline


    You don't have to be within hit-distance of the block to grab it's ink. You can swing from horizon away to acquire ink.
  30. Offline


    This is what I've done. I have a palette of blocks floating in the sky high above the build I'm working on. It's easy to point at something and grab the ink. This will work for now. Thanks.
  31. Offline


    can you make it compatible with spout?

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