Inactive [FUN/MECH]MobCatcher v3.0.1 - Capture mobs and get spawn eggs legitimately[1.4.2-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Malikk, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Everything should still be working for r6+. The update is almost ready to go, I'm just waiting on some API changes I need. I'll probably release it tomorrow, and then another version once its changed because its taking them kind of a long time
  2. Offline


    Thank you for updating. The last version I had did not have any permissions which was nice. I would like it so that OP still has a cost for capturing mobs. Is this something that will be in the next release?
  3. Offline


    Okay, basically how permissions work, is if you don't specify anything in your permissions file, its going to use the defaults i defined in my plugin. So in order to remove OP permissions, your going to have to specify that yourself, its not something that I need to change. There's a page on my bukkitdev about my specific Permission Nodes and if you need help with permissions in general, you should have a look here.
  4. Offline


    Do you have to be in the radius of a sign to capture a creature, or are you able to just go around capturing any creature on the map?
  5. Offline


    You can capture anything (provided its enabled in the config) as long as its not within the radius of another player's sign.
  6. Offline


    For some reason when I run the plugin it does not generate a config file? Or is this not saved in the normal location? (Checked everywhere anyways -.-)

    Using version 2.2.1

    Oh wow. Nevermind I found it...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    Hmm... I was actually hoping that it would be that way, for it to be more difficult to capture animals.
  9. Offline


    if you're wanting more difficulty, I suggest adding in the capture chances. By default, its set to 100% for everything, but you could move them down a bit so that there's only a certain percentage that each capture is successful.
  10. Offline


    hello, i set the capture to 75 %

    but everytime i catch i always got the egg...

    and can you make the config more simple, its confusing atm.... thanks :)
  11. Offline


    For some reason I just don't like the idea of picking up a mob and teleporting over long distances with it in your inventory.
  12. Offline


    The config is really as simple or complex as you want it to be. Check out the bukkitDev page on the Config File and let me know if you still have any questions. The main thing tho, is if you are an OP on your server, you'll have permissions to override capture chances and a few other things.

    Perhaps you only want people to be able to capture peaceful mobs (cows, chickens, sheep, etc.)? Thats an easy change in the config.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  13. Offline


    I was planning on doing that as well. The difficulty of getting mobs in vanilla minecraft is that you have to get them home. I was hoping for something that didn't remove that challenge.
  14. Offline


    What did you have in mind? If it doesn't totally 100% conflict with what I've already got I'll look into adding it, lol
  15. Offline


    Maybe a configuration to need the signs then? My real purpose here isn't so much for fun, but more for keeping players from killing each others animals - I hate when people do that to me on other servers.
  16. Offline



    hm. Maybe i add an option for mobs within the signs radius to not take damage. Is that what you meant?
  17. Offline


    That would be more the scope of another plugin IMO. They can't be killed as eggs, obviously, but I don't want them running 5km away, grabbing an animal just to /home right away.
  18. Offline


    What do you suggest then?

    Elaborate on it a bit.
  19. Offline


    A setting where you can't grab mobs unless in the radius of your own sign. If there's no sign around or someone else's around you can't capture.
  20. Offline


    wouldn't players just leave signs everywhere? you couldn't just set a low sign limit, because people would forget where they are. I think people would act the exact same way, except adding an inconvenience and your server would be full of signs.
  21. Offline


    i dont understand it doesnt save baby's and coloured sheeps what did i do wrong? this is my config: #

    sorry! (open)
    sorry! (open)
    sorry! (open)
    sorry! (open)

    # MobCatcher v2.3a by Malikk
    # For help with the Config file, see the BukkitDev page.
    world: true
    world_nether: false
    world_the_end: true
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: egg
    ItemID: 344
    UsedOnCapture: false
    ReturnedOnSpawn: false
    SpawnEggsDirectToInventory: false
    MissedEggsSpawnChickens: true
    Egg: true
    Snowball: false
    Arrow: false
    Radius: 0
    SignLimit: 0
    Enabled: false
    MaxRadius: 0
    EffectsEnabled: true
    Vault: false
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    PigZombie: true
    MagmaCube: true
    CaveSpider: true
    Creeper: true
    Skeleton: true
    Spider: true
    Zombie: true
    Slime: true
    Ghast: false
    Enderman: true
    Sliverfish: true
    Blaze: false
    Pig: true
    Sheep: true
    Cow: true
    Chicken: true
    Squid: true
    Wolf: true
    MooShroom: true
    Villager: true
    Ocelot: true
    IronGolem: true
    SnowGolem: true
    Enderdragon: false
    Enabled: false
    Vault: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 50
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 75
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 35
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 60
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 75
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 75
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: false
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 35
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 75
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 10
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: false
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 10
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 75
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 50
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 75
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 75
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 75
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 75
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: false
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 0
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false

  22. Offline



    Please add the spoiler when you get the chance, lol.
    [spolier="<name>"] text [/spoiler] :) (except spelled right, lol)

    Here's a couple things I need to know to help you.

    1) What version of CB are you using?

    2) Have you used any versions of MobCatcher previous to v2.3a?

    3) Have the .dat files been created in you plugins/MobCatcher folder?

    4) Any errors in the server console?

    I should be able to help you once you respond.
  23. Could you possibly make a second meneuver such as right-clicking a mob with a mob spawner?
    This would help out with dynamics in my new server. Also, the config could possibly have a blacklist for spawning mobs. This plugin could actually reach some distance. :)
  24. Offline


    I feel like making a plugin spotlight for this. Expect one soon :)
  25. Offline



    Those are potentially good ideas. Could you elaborate a bit?

    A couple things:
    1) wouldn't allowing players to spawn actual spawners rather unbalance the economic aspects of this plugin?

    2) Perhaps make the spawners craftable? spawn egg in the middle, item cost lower middle, surrounded by iron bars. might work.

    3) I chose not to have any config option for stopping spawns because I figure if you don't have the permission to capture it, you wouldn't have the egg at all. Making a spawn blacklist unnecessary.

    Make sure you let me know when its up. I appreciate the support :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  26. Offline


    Just finished, here it is. Quick and easy, love the plugin :D

    Hope it gets popular soon. Very simple to use and helpful for members of the server who aren't admins.
  27. Alright: a couple of changes.

    1: It will eat up your spawner. (Also, it would be cool if ya set it up so then you may use mcmmo along with it, increasing taming exp and also eating up the spawner level/1000% chance)
    2: No, I meant as in blacklisting individual mobs, not all the mobs. I want players to be able to summon mobs, but not creepers or ghasts. My server is a mega-hardcore pvp.
    3: also, I think placing the mob spawner would be quite hard to set. Maybe if you right click the spawner with a few eggs (a small chance) will change the spawner's mob.

    Oi! Forgot, would it also be possible to shut off spawning messages in a config? :D
  28. Offline



    Oh, i thought you meant being able to place mob spawners from the mob egg. You want to be able to break the mob spawner and get an egg from it.

    I've begun working on a way to craft mob spawners using mob eggs that would give that spawner the same attributes that the egg spawned mob would have had. i.e. if you crafted a spawner with a red sheep egg, the spawner would only spawn red sheep. I'd also add additional costs to craft these.

    About blacklisting:
    You can disable the capture of any mob type in the config OR with permissions nodes. Check out the bukkitDev pages for help on that.

    and turning off messages is on my todo list, just haven't gotten around to it
  29. Alright. Seems Cool. Cannot wait for completion. Also, would there be a config to disable the place of spawners?
  30. Offline


    yes, there will be config options for it. disable, and costs, etc.

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